It's Official: 3rd Ed is done

By r_b_bergstrom, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Well, me and some friends decided we wanted to try this but we simply had to give up. We have one guy in another RP group with the core set, but he doesn't want to lend it out in case something is damaged as there's alot of bits and now out of print. Ebay wants 170£ + shipping so that's out of the question.

Guess we'll play something else and hope 4th edition comes out later.

You can still get the books in PDF...and the game was updated with most the card data printed in hardback you don't 'need' all the bits and cards. I do like them however, and wished that FFG had continued producing expansions for this Elves supplement in particular, and fleshing out the other Magic orders. I wish that I had more people around here that were willing to play it though, as it's all stowed away on my closet shelf at the moment. I think the only thing I didn't get my hands on was the hardback GM guide, and a few of the POD spell sets.

I think that if WFRP gets picked up and a 4th ed is developed (by anyone), I will be converting the content back to 3rd ed. as I have enjoyed everything about this, including all of the peripheral play aids.

I can say that I am thoroughly enjoying FFG's Star Wars RPG and have two PC groups that have been going strong with (mostly) weekly sessions since July. One is just now transitioning from Edge of the Empire to Age of Rebellion, and we are really having a blast. The other is progressing much slower as we only meet for an hour each week during our lunch break at the office....but still loads of fun!