Hi! I'm Norlo from Venezuela.
I'm interested in purchasing a LCG Starter Box. My first choices are Warhammer: Invasion and Android Netrunner.
Does the W:I starter box worth buying?
I know FFG is no more expanding the game but they're reprinting all the expansions right?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.
Is this game worth buying?
Everything should be in print currently, and yes, they said they'll keep it that way.
The core set makes for a fun game of itself. Just keep in mind it's only a taste. Expansions will broaden every aspect of the game, giving you more strategic options and fleshing out the different factions (and adding more factions, of course). You'll need expansions too if you really want to get into building your own decks instead of just using every card you have. All that's true for Netrunner too, of course, so it comes down to what kind of game you prefer. Invasion plays faster and is more interactive. Netrunner is great if you like games with hidden information and some bluffing, but can have a lot more downtime where you're just watching what your opponent does. The themes are very different, obviously. If you don't have a preference, try checking out some reviews on BGG. There's a great one for Invasion at http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1156567/do-not-go-gently-review-full-game
Depends a bit on your playstyle.
Netrunner is asymmetric, almost like a tower defense videogame with one player as the attacker (the runner) and one player as the defender (the corp)? because of this it really is a two player game.
Warhammer invasion can be played by multiple players (my game group we usually play 4 player free for all or 2 on 2 games) so that might be a plus.
I've played both and in my opinion invasion was easier to learn than netrunner.
Thanks guys
I'll give Invasion a try.
I just bought the Core Set and one Battle Pack.
Let's hope that FFG keep this game in print for a very long time