Will this be possible to do in SW:Armada?

By Papa Midnight, in Star Wars: Armada

While this game is purely capital ships engaging other capital ships, with fighter support here and there..... What are your thoughts on being able to take on capital ships with purely a fighter contingent?

For example- A lone VSD and support (~100pts?) being 'ambushed' by X-Wing, Y-Wing, and B-Wing squadrons???

Edited by Papa Midnight

Not enough information. There may be restrictions on fighters needed some sort of support or command and control that would need to be house ruled. Or there might not, and 100 stands of x-wings can take on an ISD.

I really loved it, but we need to wait until the basic set arrives and maybe at this point will be reveled the new expansions with new ships and new squadrons, greettings.