Why so few custom scenarios?

By Babyblue, in Mansions of Madness

I've had this game for awhile, but hubby hasn't been keen on playing it since he didn't like Arkam (the loon). Finally we played it at a friends and now hubby is hooked to the point where we play a game and after I have to set up the board for a new game for tomorrow.

Running out of scenarios I ordered some expansions, but figured I'd download a few fan made to broaden our options. To my surprise there are very few out there, and all on the boardgamegeeks-page. Am I looking in the wrong place?

I haven't made one yet, so is it to complicated? The hard part must be getting the balance right between keeper and investigators. Right?

Wich brings me to another question. Why isn't there and app for constructing a board? Pick your expansions, and if your playing with multiples, add your alters and stuff, add cards. When finished upload. Feel like they're really missing an opportunity by not getting players more involved.

You know this page , don't you? There are 27 scenarii available from it (soon it'll be 28, as I am almost done with the translation of the Mines of Yuggoth).

You can also read some critics about half of them here .

Enjoy !

I haven't made one yet, so is it to complicated? The hard part must be getting the balance right between keeper and investigators. Right?

The hard part is the incredible amount of work you need from the first thought to a "final" version. :-)

Yes, that list of custom scanarios is the only one I've found, and 28 seems like a low number. Some of these show a lot of thought and must have taken a long time to make, with custom cards, investigators etc. But using just the base game it isn't that overwhelming to make a quick board with a little story. Making a file and posting it on the web however would take me forever.

Yes, that list of custom scanarios is the only one I've found, and 28 seems like a low number. Some of these show a lot of thought and must have taken a long time to make, with custom cards, investigators etc. But using just the base game it isn't that overwhelming to make a quick board with a little story. Making a file and posting it on the web however would take me forever.

Well, there are 5 (MoM) +3 (FA) +5 (CotW) + 6 (PoD) = 19 official scenarii. So 27.5 do not seem so few to me.

And what is the point of a quick and reboot of a previous scenario ? Some fan-mades redefine what you can do with the game. Way more interesting than a new version of an old scenario. But that is only my two cents.

I actually created "Playthings" on that list, and I can attest that making your own scenario is very difficult. I created mine before CotW came out so the traditional format was to have a single story that actually had the potential to be three different stories... and no matter how the keeper made his choices during set-up the story still makes sense.

That was the hardest part for me. That and balancing in combo with the event timers. Trying to make the events interesting, but not OP, relevant to the story, and give the investigators enough time to successfully manage the objective is rough.

(Also, if you DO play my scenario, I think one of the stories ends strangely. I playtested them all but for the life of me I can't recall how the one storyline made sense to me.)

I'd be up for making another one, but I've forgotten a few of the rules as my group tends to play Arkham, Eldrtich, and Dead of Winter more often. I intend (or had intended) to create an investigator specific scenario as well that fleshes out some back story on a particular investigator.

I may get to this one day, but it would help to have a group that can re-familiarize me with the rules. I also have issues with making the set-up/story-so-far instructions PDF look professional. But that is a personal limitation.