Rothorn's response

By kinor, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Hi everybody !

I wanted to know how you understand Rothorn's response.

The text says : " if this player successfully tackles an opposing player, he gains "tackle" ".

Does it mean that Rothorn gains a tackle only when he tackles or even if he injuries an opposing player ?

I know that an injury is gained when a player tackles, but i think that if it would have been the case (for an injury), the text would have mentionned the verb "injure" and not only "tackle".

According to me, Rothorn gains a tackle when he successfully tackles an opposing player, but when he injuries him, he stops and doesn' gain a new tackle.

Am i right ?

Edited by kinor

Nope :)

Whether the opposing players is standing or already down is irrelevant, you still roll for a tackle. The use of the tackling skill is by definition a tackle. Injuring a player is a subset of the possible results for tackling a player.

So yeah, you get the extra tackle.

And btw, you get the extra tackle for EVERY TIME he succeeds. Yup, he gets infinite tackle up to the point when he fails one.

Edited by Indalecio

Ok but what a powerfull capacity !

Exactly, this player is absolutely insane against low power teams. In a tournament this guy can spread mayhem across the teams.

Edited by Indalecio

Or be fouled out of your hand at the earliest occasion. To get the most use of him you need to wait until some juicy targets are on the field...the more the better. But this late bloom is troublesome against those pesky new teams. Other teams without access to foul, though...definitely suffer.