Foul Play: Disease Tokens

By veector, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Cross posting this here from BGG since I didn't get a timely response...

The disease token rules say that they are immediately placed on another player. I assume this is BEFORE that player has a chance to use any skills.
So, if a player is added, and then wants to tackle another player, is the star power of the new player with or without the disease token.
Our assumption was that it included the disease token.

I've sent the question in to FFG. No response yet.

The rules say "When any player is either commited or moved to a matchup with one or more disease token at midfield, immediatly assign that player all of those disease tokens".

Seems pretty clear to me that the above occurs BEFORE the player applies his skills and come into play abilities.

Edited by Indalecio

Indalecio is correct. The disease tokens would be pretty weak otherwise.