Question regarding passing your turn

By trescifra, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

I'm just curious on how passing a turn works. For example in this scenario for a 2 player match: Manager 1 plays a player in a matchup then passed his turn. Then, manager 2 also plays a player in his chosen matchup.

Question: Can manager 2 commits another player on any of the matchups or will his turn also ends after he played his last player because manager 1 passed his turn?

When one player passes, other players can commit as much players to matches as they want until they pass themselves. Within the 6 card hand limit and yada yada, of course. Nothing is forcing them to pass, just because one player has passed.

So in a 2 player match, when player 1 passed the other player can play multiple players continuously in a matchup. Right? Thank you very much for your response sir.

I thought you can commit max one player per turn. Am I wrong?

No, you are right.

But, in a two managers game, if one of them pass, the other still can commit a player per turn untill he pass or has commited all the players from his hand whereas the manager who passed can't play no more untill that.

So, in fact, it's like trescifra wrote it.