What next?

By Petru5, in Wings of War (WWI)

I own Famous Aces, but am wondering which expansion/boxed set to buy next. Pros & cons for any of them? I'm not looking into the minis yet, as I like the compactness of the game using cards.

Thanks in advance!

How can you resist the call of little model planes? :-) They do take up a lot of room - I can understand your desire to keep things compact!

As for your next set... I'd recommend getting the Burning Drachens boxed set for the added scenarios (balloons, AA, ground targets) and the Recon Patrol card set for the two seater planes (saves you over 1/2 the cost of Watch Your Back).

Have fun!

I agree that BD might be a better second buy, but I prefer the WYB as a third buy since it has a new damage deck and has more of the good stuff.

you could always go for the basic plane packs. but seriously... with series 3 coming really soon (in time for christmas shopping), how can you not go for the miniature planes?

If you went with the planes or not, Burning Drachens is a good bet. Though I started with that and the planes.

Definately go with Burning Drachens...if for no other reason, you get the balloons and some stand-alone scenarios. Also, using the mini's really makes this game "pop"...W

I agree...Burning drachens is the best choice.You get the balloons and the rule-book comes complete with the altitude rules. The only thing you need now are the mini's gran_risa.gif

Petru5 said:

I own Famous Aces, but am wondering which expansion/boxed set to buy next. Pros & cons for any of them? I'm not looking into the minis yet, as I like the compactness of the game using cards.

Thanks in advance!


sooner or later the minis will get you! demonio.gif

But, if it is possible, buy all the boxes and Boosters of WW I . And have a lot of fun...
