Bounty Hunter Card vs. Players Guide

By SJMazzella3380, in WFRP Rules Questions

I was looking through the Players Guide for ideas of what career to take next. I saw Bounty Hunter and I liked what I saw.

In the Players Guide, it says the special ability grants you an extra expertise die when you target your bounty.

The card however says it grants you an extra fortune die when you target your bounty.

now the difference between a white die and a yellow die are pretty big.

Which one is correct?

I would assume it would be correct in the Players Guide since that was printed after the original box set.

They also make mistakes at times. This was debated here inconclusively:

I suggest putting a question to FFG using the small font links at bottom (rules) and asking which it is. I haven't put a question into them on rules in quite a while but they were usually pretty prompt in answering when I did.

Edited by valvorik

Expertise die would be a smart choice. House rule it. I'm putting it in my house rulebook :)

Fortune die is for stuff like "hated foe type." Way too weak.


I'm pretty sure the yellow was a typo, and Bounty Hunter is supposed to be a white die. (While that particular typo is not mentioned in the official FAQ, there are 5 other careers [boatman, Scribe, Servant, Thief, and Investigator] that have differences between the original card and the Player's Guide that are specifically called out in the FAQ as being typos.)

Observable pattern among official Basic Careers:

  • Basic Career abilities that grant YELLOW dice usually only do so to one roll per session.
    • They also usually further restrict that bonus die to rolls of one or two specific skills. (Agent and Dilettante skip this limitation, but still respect the other two bullet points, and add other drawbacks to keep them in check.)
  • Basic Careers that give dice to multiple rolls per session give WHITE dice only.

If this likely-typo was an intentional change to Bounty Hunter, it would be the unique exception to those patterns, and it would exceed the other career abilities in two different ways. Bounty Hunter gives it's bonus die to rolls of 4 different skills (Observation, Intuition, Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill) instead of just 1 or 2. The first two skills on that list usually don't end encounters (and one-hit kills aren't guaranteed for the other two skills) so there's also a really good chance that you'll get to use the Bounty Hunter bonus die on more than one roll per session.

Basic Careers that grant YELLOW dice:

  • Agent - any 1 roll, but costs a fatigue and a stress to use
  • Barber-Surgeon - 1 roll of either First Aid or Medicine
  • Burgher - 1 roll of either Charm or Leadership
  • Coachman - 1 roll of either Ride or Ballistic Skill
  • Dilettante - 1 roll of a skill you don't have trained
  • Mercenary - 1 roll of Weapon Skill
  • Road Warden - 1 roll of either Intimidate or Ride
  • Scout - 1 roll of either Observation or Stealth
  • Student - 1 roll of either Education or Folklore
  • Thief - 1 roll of either of Guile or Skullduggery

Basic Careers that grant WHITE dice:

  • Agitator - 2 white on social initiative
  • Apothecary - 1 white on all healing draughts
  • Apprentice Wizard - 1 white on all rank 1 spells
  • Hunter - 1 white on Nature Lore, Observation and Ballistic Skill, but only vs Beasts
  • Initiate - 1 white on all rank 1 blessings
  • Pedlar - 1 to 2 white on haggling checks on the cheapest / most common items
  • Pit Fighter - 1 white on all melee attacks, but only if engaged with 3 or more enemies
  • Waywatcher - 2 white on combat initiative
  • Zealot - typically 2 or 3 white, but only once per session

If the Bounty Hunter die is a WHITE die like the original card said, that puts it roughly even with Hunter and Pit Fighter (either of which will apply to more rolls when the plot works out just right, but are hardly guaranteed to be useful every single session). It's also a fair trade-off with Mercenary, providing a less valuable die than that career gives but granting that bonus for more than a single action. Overall, pretty balanced.

If the Bounty Hunter die is instead a YELLOW die like the Player's Guide lists, it would definitely exceed the power-level pattern set by the 10 other Basic Careers that give a yellow die on 1 roll per session. It would especially invalidate the Mercenary career, since Mercenary's only boosted skill is also one of the 4 skills that Bounty Hunter boosts.

tl;dr: Basic Careers add either 1 yellow to 1 roll per session, or 1 white to multiple rolls per session. Bounty Hunter in PG is probably a typo because it alone gives yellow dice to multiple rolls per session.

Edited by r_b_bergstrom

It better had be a typo, because I have just finished playing a bounty hunter for nearly 2 years now and I have always used it as adding a white die - I don't have the players guide so didn't know about the discrepancy. Having said that, if it was meant to add a yellow die then it would make the bounty hunter extremely powerful as every session you can name a new quarry and apply the bonus die to all of the skill checks listed.

Good summary RB.


I've allways figured that the yellow in PG is a typo, for the same reasons r_b lists. A yellow would be overpowered.