
By EldarBanshee, in Rogue Trader

A little off topic here, but does anyone know the RPG Wasteworld? We now have 2 RPGs in the 40K universe bt FFG but in the past there was this jewel Wasteworld. It wasn't officially 40K but Bill King was the creator and it had a huge overlap with 40K (really, it was 40K with different names).

I would love for FFG to create an equivalent of that beautiful game, especially since the publisher went banckrupt and development for the game was halted while it was barely out of it's beta stage.

I realise this is not so much of a question and more something to share with the people around here.

Do you have a link?

I was always fascinated by the post-apocalyptic genre and all kind of science fiction themes (Foundation by Azimov for example), and too bad the masses prefer some generic fantasy. sad.gif

Is there some .pdf on that Waste World, so I can check it out?

I actually own several Wasteworld RPG books. It is an interesting system, but a little complex in most aspects. It also has way too many books [like Rifts] IMHO.

Ah yes, I remember this. Unfortunately you already put up almost everything I know about that franchise. Pity it disappeared long before I got into the hobby.