Questions concerning "Temporal Slip"

By Evendale, in CoC Rules Discussion

Hi there,

I have some questions concerning "Temporal Slip", and I wonder if someone can help with this.

The card says:
"Disrupt: After an icon struggle effect resolves, choose an icon struggle. Resolve that struggle as if you had won it."

OK, first what seems clear to me:
An icon struggle EFFECT has to resolve, which means there must be an winner/loser of the struggle, and the effect can occur, like for example by hitting a valid target.
THEN, before resolving the next struggle, the disrupt may interfere. I choose one of the four possible icon struggles, and I resolve the effect of that struggle like I had won that struggle.

Now my questions occur:

1. Do I have to control a character commited at that story at which the effect of "Temporal Slip" is triggered, or may I say to my opponent "Hey, you´re gonna win that story unopposed (because I got no characters there to defend), but now after you won the arcane struggle and readied a character, I interfere with "Temporal Slip", and hey, I choose the investigation struggle and put an success token at that story."?

2. May I choose the free won icon struggle to happen at ANOTHER story than the story which triggered the effect?

3. If I may do so: do I have to have a character commited there, or may it be even a story with no characters at all? Doing this for example I could win an investigation struggle at a story with no characters at all commited to, or drive an opponent´s character insane by winning a terror struggle without having an own character commited there.

4. What if I choose the arcane struggle in order to run the secondary effect of "Studying the Void" after the stories resolved?
"Response: After you win an [Arcane] struggle, reveal the top X cards of your deck. X is the amount by which you won the [Arcane] struggle. Discard any number of those cards and arrange the rest on top of your deck in any order. This effect can only be triggered from your discard pile."
OK, if I got some characters with arcane icons at that story, the number of icons by which I win is clear. But when there are no characters with arcane icons, what is it then? Arcane won by 0 icons? Arcane won by 1 icon?

Hi Evendale, here's my take on Temporal Slip.

1) The card doesn't specify you have to have a character present, so...

Yes, you could trigger Temporal Slip at an undefended story.

2) Although it's not explicit, it is implicit that to "Resolve that struggle as if you had won it" must occur at the story where resolution is occurring, so...

No you couldn't use Temporal Slip to resolve an effect at a different story.

3) See 2) and 1) as Temporal Slip is not applicable to a different story.

4.i) The card specifies " Resolve that struggle as if you had won it." 'Resolve' a struggle means to 'go through the process of' a struggle, which Temporal Slip lets you skip to the end of and declare yourself the winner of this additional struggle.

Yes, you could trigger an "After you win a ... struggle" effect, such as Studying the Void, as a result of Temporal Slip.

4.ii) In relation to winning without an actual contest of icons (or skill, if a card effect like Mr. David Pan is involved), such as with Temporal Slip, then you would win by 0.

Mr. David Pan, Red Pole (Ancient Relics F43) reads:

When resolving struggles at a story that Mr. David Pan is committed to, count the total skill of all participating characters instead of the icons to determine the winner of each struggle.

[Edit: changed my mind about the answer to 4) , as above.]

Edited by jasonconlon

OK, that sounds right to me.

Thanks for the quick response ! :)

I got a question about the timing of Temporal Slip.
When does the effect "Resolve that struggle as if you had won it." takes place?

Timing 1)
1. Terror struggle resolves.
2. Playing Temporal Slip and choosing the investigation struggle.
3. Resolving Combat & Arcane struggles.
4. Winning investigation struggle due to Temporal Slip.

or timing 2)

1. Terror struggel resolves.
2. Playing Temporal Slip and choosing the investigation struggle.
3. Winning investigation struggle due to Temporal Slip.
4. Resolving Combat & Arcane struggles.

Would be nice if anyone could also back it up with a hint to the FAQ or rules because I cannot find a rule which covers this.


P.S.: Happy birthday, Lovecraft!

Edited by Xunrel

See response to your duplicate post at CardGameDB .