I have a new-ish camera that I've been meaning to play with, so I decided to take some pictures of my Deathwatch Kill-Team ( codename: Blackthorn! ). The camera has no manual focus, only auto-focus, so I wasn't able to get any clear pics of individual figures (-since the camera, in its wisdom, usually chooses to focus on some random background element rather than what I'm trying to photograph). So, this batch of pics will be group shots demonstrating a variety of my group's terrain collection.
Two of the 'standard' 40K terrain types: a battlefield (above), and a field-field (below).
I made a bunch of Chaos Waste terrain for a Chaos Warband skirmish game that appeared in White Dwarf several years ago; a friend and I played exactly one game before our interests were diverted, and the terrain was 'mothballed'. I've been looking for an excuse to trot it out again.
Even though I don't like the heavy emphasis on Chaos in the Jericho Reach setting (-my DW campaign is set in Dark Heresy 's Calixis Sector, partly for that reason), I think a special mission where the Kill-Team must pursue an adversary to a world in the Screaming Vortex would make for a fun change of pace.
These swamps were made by painting bare MDF boards with a mottled, rippling pattern of black and blue-green, then applying several coats of gloss varnish. The 'islands' are standard hills and the bases of the GW plastic tree sets, dropped on top of the 'water'.
"Deathworld, shmethworld- I'm wearin' power armour !"