2014 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

He posted it to the NOVA Squadron FB page, however there has been some level of secrecy to his list. So the full details of that 62 points I do not know.

I just wish him well, he is a heck of a player, a heck of a nice guy and a machine when it comes to this game!

It is almost like i am desperatly F5 this thread to see some results ^^

Yeah predator would make more sense to make use of actions, i was just filling a 3 points EPT to fill the last 3 points.

For what it's worth, 1YT + 1X + 1Z appeared a few times in Regionals: 3 times, to be exact.

It performed very average. Not great and not bad. Leave it to Paul to fly it well...

Edited by MajorJuggler

It was Han (Vet inst, Luke, Engine, C3PO, MF), Biggs, Tala. VI was there to always beat Whisper and other PS9-10 pilots, since high PS is more common now.

As the final round began, 5 of the top 8 lists were running at least one Falcon, so I expect to see a lot of mirror matches on Saturday. Z-95s were common on the top tables, of course. E-Wings made a good show as well: R2D2 + E-Wing = a pain for Han lists to kill. Nick was the highest Phantom pilot I saw, and I didn't see any Defenders high up.

I have no idea how today went, since I went to the Indy Kids Museum today. :)

It was Han (Vet inst, Luke, Engine, C3PO, MF), Biggs, Tala. VI was there to always beat Whisper and other PS9-10 pilots, since high PS is more common now.

As the final round began, 5 of the top 8 lists were running at least one Falcon, so I expect to see a lot of mirror matches on Saturday. Z-95s were common on the top tables, of course. E-Wings made a good show as well: R2D2 + E-Wing = a pain for Han lists to kill. Nick was the highest Phantom pilot I saw, and I didn't see any Defenders high up.

I have no idea how today went, since I went to the Indy Kids Museum today. :)

Nicely done again Paul. Thanks as well for keeping us updated--hoping for another one of your great reports once all is said and done.

Yep, my Corran build with r2d2 has been eating phantoms and falcons lately. He is quite a beast.

Yep, my Corran build with r2d2 has been eating phantoms and falcons lately. He is quite a beast.

Dread.S - whats ur list? care to share?

Edited by The_Brown_Bomber

Sent you a PM with it, don't want to offtopic too much here. I am really looking forward to see how other people had been playing him, outside the Falcon + Corran builds.

It was Han (Vet inst, Luke, Engine, C3PO, MF), Biggs, Tala. VI was there to always beat Whisper and other PS9-10 pilots, since high PS is more common now.

As the final round began, 5 of the top 8 lists were running at least one Falcon, so I expect to see a lot of mirror matches on Saturday. Z-95s were common on the top tables, of course. E-Wings made a good show as well: R2D2 + E-Wing = a pain for Han lists to kill. Nick was the highest Phantom pilot I saw, and I didn't see any Defenders high up.

I have no idea how today went, since I went to the Indy Kids Museum today. :)

Thank you sir for the update, and best of luck on Saturday!

Friendly bump.... we should be getting close to, or at, the Final Tables at GenCon for the U.S. Nationals!

If anyone has any live updates, please post!

Friendly bump.... we should be getting close to, or at, the Final Tables at GenCon for the U.S. Nationals!

If anyone has any live updates, please post!

looking fwd to some updates soon.

This Falcon meta is making me hurl chunks. Chunks of rage!

At the time of the Top 8 Cut (from our TC X-Wing Group's FB):

1. Rick Sidebotham

2. Paul Heaver

3. Jeff Beerling

4. Nick Jones

5. David Pontier

6. Tyler Tippett

7. James Elhardt

8. Matt Baxter

Don't have lists, sorry.

Edited by AlexW

At the time of the Top 8 Cut (from our TC X-Wing Group's FB):

1. Rick Sidebotham

2. Paul Heaver

3. Jeff Beerling

4. Nick Jones

5. David Pontier

6. Tyler Tippett

7. James Ebelhardt

8. Matt Baxter

Don't have lists, sorry.

So are they actually going to do legit double elimination?

Edit: Not surprisingly, 7 out of 8 there are from Thursday's qualifying. I think only David Pontier's name isn't on the Thursday Top 32 list.

Edited by MajorJuggler

Top 4 Gencon is getting ready to start. The imp game is 6 obsidians and howl with ptl against soontir ptl, yorr, whisper with fcs, adc cloak, vi, and gunner.

The rebel game is fat han with 3cpo, luke, vi, engine, a tala, and biggs vs. Double falcons of lando with han crew, nien, Dtf and chewy with r2d2 crew, c3po, Dtf and title.

Place bets now!

Top 4 Gencon is getting ready to start. The imp game is 6 obsidians and howl with ptl against soontir ptl, yorr, whisper with fcs, adc cloak, vi, and gunner.

The rebel game is fat han with 3cpo, luke, vi, engine, a tala, and biggs vs. Double falcons of lando with han crew, nien, Dtf and chewy with r2d2 crew, c3po, Dtf and title.

Place bets now!

Are you in it with the Howl / Obsidian swarm??? Duh, your name isn't in the Top 8. #MissingTheObvious

Edit: See the first page for up-to-date results.

Just open the spoiler tabs for United States / Saturday's tournament.

Edited by MajorJuggler

No im watching now

Do you have the names?

Top 4 Gencon is getting ready to start. The imp game is 6 obsidians and howl with ptl against soontir ptl, yorr, whisper with fcs, adc cloak, vi, and gunner.

The rebel game is fat han with 3cpo, luke, vi, engine, a tala, and biggs vs. Double falcons of lando with han crew, nien, Dtf and chewy with r2d2 crew, c3po, Dtf and title.

Place bets now!

My bet is on "expected and nothing new".

No im watching now

Is Team Covenant going to record any of the games? I think they got some of the Final Tables at GenCon last year. The Final Match at least would be nice to see.

Edited by MajorJuggler

I'd love if they recorded Top 4, they do such a great job.

No its not setup :( Im trying to snap. A few pics every several min if i can

No its not setup :( Im trying to snap. A few pics every several min if i can

Oh, bummer. Someone should track them down and ask if they have their equipment with them and would be willing to record the final match!

Only problem is, that would require not watching the game live at the event if you are there in person. ha ha ha. Catch 22.

They have a camera, so i think they are going to record the finals, just not the semis