Hey fellow battlebrothers,
I have a short question. I know there are threats about this, but as far as I've read, they have a different focus. Well, to make this short:
Our tier 3 devastor does 28 magnitudedamage, our assault about 80. Is this right, or are we misinterpreting the rules?
A bit longer:
As far as we understand the rules, the maximum amount of damage a devastor marine can achieve is
(((6 (Max. Hits Heavy Bolter) +1 Explosive Damage) x2 (Metal Storm Rounds)) x2 Storm of Iron ) = 28
The Assault Marine on the other hand:
1 Attack with Mainhand
1 Attack with Offhand
1 Attack with Swift Attack
1 Attack with Lightning Attack
1 Attack instead of Reaction
Horde Magnitude Bonus +60
Weapon Skill 70
+20 against Xenos
for a total of 150.
With an avarage dice throw of 50, that's 10 DoS, resulting in 1+5 magnitudedamage.
If we add Whirlwind of Death, thats 12 magnitudedamage per Hit, for an avarage total of 60 magnitudedamage, to a maximum of 80.
Where is our mistake, what are we doing wrong? Please help, our GM is attacking us with complete swarmfleets to get us down ... at least thats what it feels like. There must be something wrong.
Edith: Fixed some errors in the formula