The Armory

By RogalDorn01, in Deathwatch

You take insperation from Dawn of War? Well so do I. In fact one of my Deathwatch characters is supposedly from Dawn of War. Blood Raven librarian. When you finish your wargear quirk chart can you put up a link? I really want to see the finished result! :)

Calgor Grimm I am ashamed of you! How is 4 terminator suits safe when they are about to crash into a star? Remind me to never trust you with something valuable! Otherwise yes they are perfectly safe.

My GM fixed this problem...he gave 40 req to 5 players...all together...for a 5 session campaign...I have a cruel GM

My GM fixed this problem...he gave 40 req to 5 players...all together...for a 5 session campaign...I have a cruel GM

IS HE NOT MERCIFUL! He could have given half that much...

But I'm a nice guy, I only try to average ONE player death per session

My GM fixed this problem...he gave 40 req to 5 players...all together...for a 5 session campaign...I have a cruel GM

IS HE NOT MERCIFUL! He could have given half that much...

But I'm a nice guy, I only try to average ONE player death per session

Luxury! Our GM used to start every mission having us polishing all the power armour in the fortress, give us half the required requisition and renown, serve a full 14 IC days without sleep and then when we got back to the watch fortress our commander would smack us around the head with a power fist if we were lucky!*

* Obscure Monty Python comparison

Edited by Calgor Grim

when we got back to the watch fortress our commander would smack us around the head with a power fist if we were lucky!* Calgor Grimm said this.

Did one of your players go to critical? :)

Rogal Dorn. You said if folks were interested you would post Deathwatch rules for upgrading weapons. Would you be willing to? Are their quirks,etc? Thanks!

If the KT was dispatched by a specialized ship operated by DW to insert and support KTs it could be assigned an armory that held supplies. If the ship remains on station, possibly under stealth, the players may be able to contact it for supplies and weapons they couldn't carry initially. So yeah, suddenly need a lascannon? make contact and arrange a delivery. Details up to the sadistic bastar... , kindly gamemaster running things.