So, who's Fiona?

By ultimateigor, in UFS Off Topic

Anybody else notice that according to the new UFS homepage, set 10 KoF apparently features "an eight hand size Fiona"?

The most possible is FioFioFioFioFio.

Leona + Fio = Fiona... apparently >_> it should be Leona though, the only 8hs chara to come out in set 10.

i got confused, i tough it was about set 11.

so, its leona

ShadowDragon said:

Leona + Fio = Fiona... apparently >_> it should be Leona though, the only 8hs chara to come out in set 10.

Haha reminds me of DBZ fusion acutally.

Captain Ren said:

The most possible is FioFioFioFioFio.

Someone DOES remember! It seems like so long ago...

Scubadude said:

ShadowDragon said:

Leona + Fio = Fiona... apparently >_> it should be Leona though, the only 8hs chara to come out in set 10.

Haha reminds me of DBZ fusion acutally.

Haven't you heard the new UFS tech? Fusing characters (although illegal) causes silly moves like Hugat, ***Hugo*** and ::Sagat:: ! However, you have to make your two character cards Fusion Dance!


It's Leona

Also, Fio's real name is Fiolina (Germi)

Son Gopaul said:

Scubadude said:

ShadowDragon said:

Leona + Fio = Fiona... apparently >_> it should be Leona though, the only 8hs chara to come out in set 10.

Haha reminds me of DBZ fusion acutally.

Haven't you heard the new UFS tech? Fusing characters (although illegal) causes silly moves like Hugat, ***Hugo*** and ::Sagat:: ! However, you have to make your two character cards Fusion Dance!


I want Dhaliggan morrigan and dhalsim FTW!!

thats disgustion. please no. :(

Picturing an image of a dark skin Morrigan with Dhalsimish eyes and paint on her face and lon limbs O_o urgh

I think what should be implied by the Dhalsim/Morrigna fusion is...


2.Yoga Mastery



Canadian_Megaman_Prime said:

I think what should be implied by the Dhalsim/Morrigna fusion is...


2.Yoga Mastery



Exactly why do you think I ran it in legacy haha...

Wait, if Vik's known for playing Dhalsim, and Scuba's known for playing Morrigan...

HOLY SH......... i think its more disgusting than gen/akuma thing. dhalrigan or scubarams?

Homme Chapeau said:

Wait, if Vik's known for playing Dhalsim, and Scuba's known for playing Morrigan...

LOL and what next hatman ....

Fio is a character form the Metal Slug series, and appeared as a hidden character on KOF2006.

Not trying to be completely random here but do you play any MMOs chaoschild?

I used to have a friend on 1 called COH that goes by the same name...

kept telling me I should get back into yugioh LOL