I love this game, but when I finally won - that's it!?
No text? No message for winning?
Just "yep, that's the 3rd mystery solved, let's pack it up."
Even when you lose you get awesome text describing how the world is destroyed!
I think this is a major oversight, and it could be solved very easily with just some short flavor text specific each god.
Thankfully, someone on reddit already wrote it all up - and it's beautiful.
For example, the flavor text for beating Azathoth made the game feel complete to me:
You spoke it’s true name… at the appointed place… at the designated time… Has it been enough? You’ve done all you can and you hope your research was worth it. That night you sleep well, the sound of the thin, monotonous piping of an unseen flute that has haunted your dreams for years has stopped. The swirling spirals of black vortices that used to wake you screaming have vanished. Your world is quiet now, the news is filled with mundane stories, perhaps everything is as it should be. Or perhaps you’re already dead…
Such a small thing but really made the game for me.
You can find the other win texts for each god in the post on reddit:
Please put something like this in a future expansion Fantasy Flight.