Slow slow SLOW!

By Trump281, in Support

These new forums look very sharp, but they are slow as molasses. Every page change results in a long wait (in internet terms). I hope they can get that worked out soon.

fwiw: I have given the site an initial grace period before commenting, but after a couple of days I have to say this site is really slooooooowwww to load which is making it very annoying to navigate. Also, the blue/gray color scheme is very hard to read. Maybe I am just getting older and grumpier, but it is starting to seriously turn me off. It looked cool for the first couple of visits, but I would rather have it more user friendly for the long haul, especially in the forums.

Same here, fhe forum speed is awfully slow. I hope it's an temporary thing, but if it stays this way, it'll make the forums mostly unuseable for me.

The speed seems to vary a bit for me. Sometimes it is slow, but other times it is very slow.

I agree, the forums look pretty, and it's a typical mistake in websites in the last few years (at least) to try and make websites as sexy as possible, all the while making sure they are exceedingly slow, and filled with mostly frivilous shiny buttons.

Not in recent memory can I remember a message board this slow.

At least we can stare at the pretty blue colours for the hour it takes to post. :)

Lastly I would say that these forums aren't slow for the internet, they are slow compared on a geologic scale. ;)

jgbaxter said:

Lastly I would say that these forums aren't slow for the internet, they are slow compared on a geologic scale. ;)


I would love to hear back from the professionals about what is happening here, though if I were them I would be reticent in doing so. At the same time, sometimes weathering the flak can lead to good things.

To be fair, though, at least this website is actually touching upon the concept of "community" unlike so many others. Kudos.


Talk about sad. The recent info about Android turned me off to the game... and I was happy?! Why? That's one less forum to plow through here. They're so slow that I look for excuses to skip certain forums and, quite frankly, if this keeps up I'll just be skipping this entire site. Sure, they'll probably figure things out and get everything running smoothly, but as it stands this site doesn't offer nearly enough to counteract the ponderous pace.

The forum is so slow it gives me a headache

Reading gray on gray is giving me a headache

All the indorsment stuff for Android is giving me a headache

Not being able to recivev/send PMs is giving me a headache

Having to watch this non-functional forum and switch back and forth to the old funtional forum is giving me a headache.

I've decided that it is a really bad sign when I decide to open up a game of Hearts on my computer to play while pages are loading.

Joram said:

I've decided that it is a really bad sign when I decide to open up a game of Hearts on my computer to play while pages are loading.

I am to the same point. I open up about 20 threads I am interested in, go live my life, then return when I am sure they have all loaded.

The site is on the slow side. sad.gif Hopefully FFG will fix this. happy.gif

It seems to me that you need more Clicks to get around on the site. Perhaps drop down menus from the top menu would help?

I think I've noticed an increase in speed on the forum. If so, all I can say is: "Thank you FFG. Even if I gripe, I do appreciate it when you fix things."

I have to agree! This forum is so slow, as I never experienced any message board even in good old modem times.

It can´t just be the shiny looks and buttons. The site is loading so much more and it seems in chunks, as I experience a load, a pause and then another load.

C´mon guys at FFG-IT you can do better! Or let´s make this forum a FFG-boardgame, then it sure works (and sells). happy.gif

If this happens to be the first forum or website you guys construct - see my signature gui%C3%B1o.gif

I have to agree: I find the forum, and indeed the whole website, very slow, though it's become a wee bit faster over the past couple of days. I know they're still working out the bugs, and in effect, we are all beta-testing it (a not uncommon occurance with computer games and products these days). Parts of it are nice, but I dislike the color-scheme as well which is not inviting and at times downright hard to read. The former site may have been unsophisticated, but it was user-friendly, while this one so far is less so. sad.gif

I can tell you two of the main culprits in the lack of speed: Tables and Javascript.

And of course the *** editor isn't known for it's small memory footprint or quick loadtimes.

Unfortunately we can't expect the forums to ever be faster, and in fact they'll only get slower as more features get added. Unless FFG forces their webdevelopers to completely restructure the site. However considering the excessive use of JS I doubt that would even be possible. If they knew how to code without it they probably would.

Oh, and those PMs that everyone so desperatly desires?! Those'll slow the forum speed down a fraction of a second or so, especially if you have a bunch. As will pretty much any new feature they add.

Sadly, while there is more to web development then pretty looks, usually the people with the money, who make the ultimate decision, don't know the first thing about the nuts and bolts, and are easily swayed by the "Shinies".

Agreed - these forums are perhaps the slowest that I know, and that is up against some pretty stiff competition. FFG have done what GW did with their website changing it from a resource driven website into a clumsy and brash shop front that implores desperately at it's users to buy the product. Coupled with the frustratingly slow load times across the site (presumably because of all the unwanted flash etc) and the lack of good content, the whole experience is a turn-off.

aslum said:

Sadly, while there is more to web development then pretty looks, usually the people with the money, who make the ultimate decision, don't know the first thing about the nuts and bolts, and are easily swayed by the "Shinies".

I never thought that I would use this acronym, but... QFT.


they should shoot the webmaster down

and pleas let him suffer because we are suffering aswell

this is unhuman i come to this website out of necesety and hope

This site has three speeds.


OK, it would seem i'm not alone in having an access problem.

EVERY click on the site, in all the forums, throughout the catalogue, shop, community, and news sections is universally slow to respond.

The minimum response delay for me is 20-25 seconds. Often the delay will be as much as 40-60 seconds.

Occasionally, the response times out ('website not responding message), or extends beyond 60 seconds (in which case i simply shut the site down and start again).

Is something being done about this issue?

I have found my browser timing out on occasion waiting for links to come up.

Perhaps we are not considering the fact that FFG is, essentially, running 2 forums right now? When the old one closes down won't that speed things up? Or are we talking about 2 seperate systems here?

Since this is a new forum, I would also guess that there are a number of administrative actions going on in the background and possibly a large amount of data transfer between the old and the new. I have no way of knowing for sure, but it would seema waste to loose everything everyone had done previous to this new board.

I don't think that having two forums has anything to do with it. These new forums are an integrated part of the website, if I understand correctly, while the previous ones were not. So they shouldn't be interfering with each other.

433 did make a post on the old boards just today (or yesterday) saying that they were having a lot more traffic on this site than the old one, so that has something to do with it. He also said that they were looking into the problem, and were seeing if they needed a hardware upgrade, or if the extra traffic was the only issue.

I LOVE the new site, yes i know it is slow, but it looks sooo cool, I am colorblind and the whole blue gray thing is fine by me :)

Good grief... this is terrible. This forum is almost impossible to tolerate when using dial-up like I do. It's like FFG is saying, "Greedo, we don't even want to to READ posts here any more." It takes 30-45 seconds to load a page and it took almost 2 minutes to load this reply page.

I'm really disappointed.


36 seconds to load a forum page.

This is unacceptable.