REQUEST - flex that creativity (Investigators)

By Airborne XO, in Fan Creations

Hi there,

As part of the initial spec for 'Vermont Horror - Machinations of the Migo' (Name not decided just yet) I had planned for six new and original characters, anyone fancy a bash at them. Some archetypes that fit the theme of the expansion would be:

  • A Miskatonic student geologist/archaeologist
  • A Pennacook native american indian (possibly with some sort of dreaming ability)
  • A forest ranger
  • A bootlegger

Anything that offers some cool new ability would be useful but basically something that would offer a bit of variation for base/DH/KH characters.

Cheers, Hal Dont know if you find some useful characters or abilites from my customer Investigators, some of them are overpowered. Perhaps you can use them as base and modify / rewrite them to fit the theme your expansion has?