-When the first contact between two PCs ends up with "What do you think you're staring at? i punch him in the face."
-When your Heretek, who managed to get a psyker talent, continuously ignores the cries for help from his ally that is burning to death on the ground beaten by a bunch of massive mutants, and instead is testing out his flashy new powers.
-When the best ranged weapon carried by party is a primitive harpoon gun, because you can pull that unfortunate guy closer to your Khornite.
-The first thing the khorne champion does when a powerful tzeentchian sorcerer approaches them with a job offer is "I decapitate him." And he does, just to get possesed by a warp being that the sorcerer turned out to be.
-When the Khornate gets hit by a two-handed Daemon prince daemon weapon carried by a 4-meter tall winged mutant and burns infamy to survive, gets corruption points for failing his god, mutates, and gets wings too.
-When instead of taking the forementioned DW, he releases the prince so he can get a nice container for a Khorne Herald that pissed him off.
Mostly wanted to start the thread so I can hear your stories.