Dark heresy miniatures bitz and examples

By poporuu, in Dark Heresy

I've been spending a fair amount of time looking for Dark heresy miniatures that closely represent the core pc's that people could be. I'm trying to get one to represent each of the classes in the core rule book. Is there by chance any references someone could give me that would either let me buy the bits i need to assemble them myself or have an already made version that would closely match what i'm looking for. I would really appreciate the help.

Games Workshop produces models for the tabletop 40K game, and a number of them work well for Dark Heresy characters. Here are the examples I could think of off the top of my head:

  • Adept: The old Daemonhunters range had a model for an Inquisitor's retinue depicting an adept with some sort of auto-quill. I'm not sure if it's still in production since the army is now focused on the Grey Knights.
  • Arbitrator: This is a tricky one. The Necromunda Kill Squad troopers (I think that's what they were called) represented enforcers who cracked down on the underhive gangs, so they should work well as an Arbitrator. Other than that, I'd look for Astra Militarum (formerly Imperial Guard, abbreviated AM) or Inquisitorial Storm Troopers, possibly converted to use a shotgun or a power maul.
  • Assassin: Depending on whether your assassin favors ranged or melee combat, you can use the Vindicare or Death-Cult Assassin models. The Cadian Sniper models work for more militaristic assassins.
  • Cleric: The AM Preacher models work well for a cleric. For a more archaic look, consider a Warhammer Fantasy Empire Warrior Priest.
  • Guardsman: Just about any AM infantry model works -- find one that suits your PC's equipment and style. Inquisitorial Storm Troopers are also an option.
  • Psyker: AM Battle Psykers or Primaris Psykers are good fits.
  • Scum: Necromunda models work for scum, IIRC House Delaque gangers look the least silly. The Catachan models could represent a more thuggish kind of Scum, though those have a distinctly military look and might not fit Dark Heresy very well.
  • Tech-priest: The AM Tech-priest Engineseer is a perfect fit.
  • Sororitas: Choose whichever Battle Sister model you like best.

Additionally, the old Last Chancer squad had a lot of quirky, characterful models that might be suitable as Acolytes. The Grey Knight and Battle Sister armies can take Inquisitors, so their sections of the catalog should include a number of Inquisitor models, as well as some Acolytes who accompany them in battle.

so far i now have the:

  • Adept - Scribe
  • Cleric - Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith
  • Psyker - Imperial guard sanctioned psyker 1
  • scum - unsure what model type but this one seemed more malleable in choice
  • tech-priest - Militarum Tech-priest Enginseer 2
  • Sororitas - I agree, any would work

Thank you very much for the help It's helped me get my direction I really do appreciate it

No problem :)

I enjoy 'designing' my own DH minis using bitz from different multi-part plastic kits:





To quote some advice I gave in a similar thread:

I find that Wood Elves make great Scummers with simple weapon swaps and removal of their quivers, and Dark Eldar Wyches work as bodyglove-clad Assassins if you trim off some of the spikes and whatnot. Bretonian Men-At-Arms make a good 'base' to build a nondescript Imperial citizen upon, and the Empire Militia frames have lots of useful bits. Space Marine Scouts are a bit big to mix-and-match with other stuff, but they are a good source of always-useful shotguns. The Empire Wizard(s) box is kind of spendy, but makes for great Psykers or Clerics. The Cadian Command Squad has a ton of useful parts.

Empire Flagellants with weapon swaps make great cultists, and Crypt Ghouls (painted a variety of colors) work as a mutant horde. -Plus you will have some extra Ghoul heads left over which can be used on the Flagellants (if you roll out beads of epoxy to serve as necks) to make extra-crazy cannibal cultists! And Catachans and Chaos Marauders can be combined to make more 'militant' cultists...

Edited by Adeptus-B

Yeah with bits you can customize the minis way more than buying a single one (thought that is still an excellent way to have in-universe minis rather than using D&D ones for example and going "those orcs are hive gangers, that paladin is the Tech-Priest, the dwarf is the adept and the gnoll is the assassin")

Did a few m,self, thought less skilful that Adeptus-B's







Im all honesty I wouldn't limit yourself to GW miniatures for the roleplaying game. There are far better alternatives with a slighty more 'civilian' feel from ranges like Malifeux (spelling?) or in some cases PP.

Adept: Really anyone with a scroll works here, the GW scribe is good but it also looks a little old and weedy. I'd recommend making a conversion using any model from the necromunda range and the backpack from a heamonculus to be the autoquill.


Abritrator: Any of the old Judge Dredd miniatures, or failing that some of GWs actualy Abitrator models (which I cannot believe no one has mentioned yet). Failing that they are easy to convert using a van saar ganger and a filed down fantasy knight hemlet.

Examples: Arbites_Necromunda_Enforcer_Patrol_Squad image-300463-full.jpg?1375200023

Assassin: Literally anything. Snipers from almost any range work well for ranged assassins, but there are thousands of models from other ranges that could very easy just have swap jobs on the guns that would work well. I recommend some of the infinity ariadna range if you don't mind the non-heroic scale. If not browse any of the many many games for a dramatic pose and go from there.

Examples: WYR5046.jpg 280120-0113.jpg

Cleric: My personal favourite from this are some of the Protectorate of Memnoth from PP, particular the relic bearers and the hooded guy with the giant steam furnace backpack. Malifaux has some great relgious themed models but I cant remember the faction name.

Examples: PIP32069.jpg

Guardsman: This could be any model from any range. Pick a line infantryman you like and go with it. For a sense of character I suggest looking at the last chancers from GW, but really it could be anything.

Psyker. Again Malifeux has some great 'unsanctioned' looking psykers, like a boy who looks like a ganger just stod with two burning fists. I would suggest avoiding the imperial guard psyker range. Everything about them screams "I am a psyker" which seems like painting a "burn me" sign on your back int he 40k verse to me.

Scum: Any necromunda model. I would particularly suggest the necromunda 'Hive scum' models. I am a particular fan of the fat one with a plasma pistol

Examples: Scummers.jpg

Tech priest. Hmmmm, now this one does seem to need to be GW There are a few alternates that work well though, particularly its easy to make a good tech priest conversion using models from the necromunda redemptionist/cawdor range and a little green stuff and some 28 guage guitar strings as cables (which will cost you less than a dollar for about 2.5 feet of the stuff)

Examples: Ivan_05.jpg Necretex1__FINAL_1.jpg
Sororitas: If shes in PA go with the GW stuff. If not any decent female model will work well. Look at the toughest girls in the galaxy range, particularly the 'iron empire' as they seem very easy to convert to SoB.

Edited by Cail

You have to be a bit careful with 'mixing and matching' figures from different companies, due to widely varying scales. I bought some Malifaux and Reaper figures to use in WH40KRP , and they tower over GW Space Marines, never mind normal humans...

You have to be a bit careful with 'mixing and matching' figures from different companies, due to widely varying scales. I bought some Malifaux and Reaper figures to use in WH40KRP , and they tower over GW Space Marines, never mind normal humans...

Yes, but in a RPG the scale becomes less important, given it doesn't actually use LoS and its just there to represent where people are on the board.

You have to be a bit careful with 'mixing and matching' figures from different companies, due to widely varying scales. I bought some Malifaux and Reaper figures to use in WH40KRP , and they tower over GW Space Marines, never mind normal humans...

Yes, but in a RPG the scale becomes less important, given it doesn't actually use LoS and its just there to represent where people are on the board.

Unless you use to scale model terrain, in which case size really does matter.

And just in case you play like that (we do), it is pretty painful to scale up a model, but basically impossible to scale a model down.

Most people just use miniatures as a guidelines. I mean, we use terrain too, but its hardly a huge stretch to say 'that models a bit big, you can only see his head from there'. Its not different to saying 'actually, that guy is prone, even though his model is doing a backflip'. Not exactly taxing for a game based on imagination.

My groups are normally more concerned with their 'avatar' looking cool and feeling unique, which is often impossible to do with GW miniatures because they all look a little... generic in context of the setting. Although having said that we had a great time making the kill team for DW using the metal DW shoulder bads and a load of forge world bits for the armour parts, but it was crazy costly.

But whatever, each to their own.

Edited by Cail

I was mainly thinking of the aesthetic problems of having minis that are different scales, and not the mechanics.