X-Men Origins: Wolverine

By MarcoPulleaux, in UFS Off Topic

was a good movie. I had the fortune of sitting next to two comic book addicts who informed me that the movie was quite close to the comics, much more so than the other 3 movies.

I'll say this much...

Gambit didn't exist. Seriously, what a way to kick all the many Gambit fans right in the balls. He had barely any lines, screen time, no true Cajun accent, and mostly...


Otherwise, good film.

The movie sucked ass.

I can summarize the movie in the following lines:


Throw in some obligatory scenes of Hugh Jackman shirtless, some explosions, and bam, you've got the movie.

Gambit didn't even have the slighest of a French accent. He sounded like he was from the deep South.

Everything felt completely disjointed and thrown right at me. The movie could have been 20 minutes longer and have had far better fight scenes.

The plot more or less bored me to death and was HIGLY predictable. They didn't throw in any unexpected twists (I'd elaborate but I don't want to spoil). Even the fight scenes themselves sucked, more or less (the helicopter scene was, at best, average). Don't get me started on the crap job they did with the CGI in the movie (I felt like they were using CGI material from the late 90s instead of this decade). On top of that, mad random parts of the plot were introduced incredibly late and quickly, and then were used for about 5-10 seconds in the movie (see the metal-skinned girl for more info). And there have been a lot of prequels that were not incredibly predictable, despite the fact that they were prequels.

Seriously, I knew the movie was going to be bad, but it did a lot worse than I suspected. The only thing that saves the movie from being complete garbage is the scene with that guy coming to help the kids escape (I've said enough already).

Oh, and the whole having two different after-the-end-of-the-credits scenes is utter fail. One of them is just useless, utter crap. The other is actually significant. Which one will you get? Who knows!

HolyDragonCloud said:

The movie sucked ass.

I can summarize the movie in the following lines:


Throw in some obligatory scenes of Hugh Jackman shirtless, some explosions, and bam, you've got the movie.

Not just shirtless; naked, in a rather gratuitous way!

Eh, to each his own. I felt Transformers was the absolute worst movie ever made, with nothing even coming close to its level of shittiness, but I've never met a breathing soul to ever agree with just how horrible it was...

So I understand.

I don't read comics. My knowledge of X-Men extends to the cartoon show from the mid 90s, and that's only saying...well, as much as it can.

The biggest problem with comic movies is that they have to keep the movie-going clientel in mind. As much as it would be great to make a 3+ hour-long movie, a moviegoer's attention span has to last that long, and let's face it, most action movegoers are cro-magnon apes who drag their knuckles in the sand and ejaculate any time Jason Statham punches something. Although there's plenty more that could've been said (like how he lost all his memories...yet he somehow knows English, ok), they did what they could for time, and all n' all, it was entertaining. Deadpool was relatively creepy, Sabertooth pretty much did was Sabertooth does...it was what I'd thought it would be.

What I'm interested is...

...so Gambit sees Xavier as he takes all these mutants with him...

yet he doesn't go with him? Also, Toad went with Xavier, yet is a villain in the first X-Men?


*or just fodder for Origins: Magneto*

Toad's actually not THAT bad of a guy. And while I'm probably going a little far off topic, as far as losing his memory and still knowing English and stuff, it's actually not that big of a deal. If you ever get a chance, reading up on that sort of thing is actually pretty interesting. I was curious about Multiple Personality Disorder and read some cool papers about it online.

I'm going to see the Gambit and Deadpool movie monday. Since I'm actually a huge X-Men fan, I might like it, I might hate it (I thought the X-Men 1 and 2 movies were decent.)

quarzark said:

If you ever get a chance, reading up on that sort of thing is actually pretty interesting. I was curious about Multiple Personality Disorder and read some cool papers about it online.

I'm a big psych nut.

Eh, I 'spose it depends on what kind of memory loss you have. I've experienced some memory loss and obviously retain my language. I think the concept of shooting somebody in the head to erase their memories is hogwash.

I also discovered Wolverine's ability to heal, and I gotta say, F that dude. Wolverine can heal for as long as he has a SKELETON? Dude, talk about broken.

MarcoPulleaux said:

quarzark said:

If you ever get a chance, reading up on that sort of thing is actually pretty interesting. I was curious about Multiple Personality Disorder and read some cool papers about it online.

I'm a big psych nut.

Eh, I 'spose it depends on what kind of memory loss you have. I've experienced some memory loss and obviously retain my language. I think the concept of shooting somebody in the head to erase their memories is hogwash.

I also discovered Wolverine's ability to heal, and I gotta say, F that dude. Wolverine can heal for as long as he has a SKELETON? Dude, talk about broken.

hell yeah. You want to kill the bastard you have Scrambler (now dead, but guess what his power his) touch him, or you decapitate him and bury the head away from the body.

^the comic book people explained to me that he was apparently in some sort of explosion (nuclear?), and because his skeleton so happened to be around, the rest of his body regenerated.

Now we're in the borderline of just plain retarded. Like Obama's bowling skills.

Gotta warn ya Nick, deadpool and gambit have a combined screen time of maybe 5 mins. Also, they ruined Deadpool. I wen in thinking it would be an average movie but after watching it I felt it was almost as bad as catwoman or the original SF movie. Plot made absolutly no sense past the point they gave him his shiny new bones.

i'm just hopeing that that terminater is good, the first two are on my list of favorite movies.

bloodocean said:

Gotta warn ya Nick, deadpool and gambit have a combined screen time of maybe 5 mins. Also, they ruined Deadpool.

Considering they're in the talks for a Deadpool movie I wouldn't take Weapon 11 seriously.

Also, ruining Gambit is hard to do, and they managed to do it. I think it's because of all the people bitching about Gambit not being in the first three movies. I hear the production house is vindictive (see X-Men 3)

MarcoPulleaux said:

HolyDragonCloud said:

The movie sucked ass.

I can summarize the movie in the following lines:


Throw in some obligatory scenes of Hugh Jackman shirtless, some explosions, and bam, you've got the movie.

Not just shirtless; naked, in a rather gratuitous way!

Eh, to each his own. I felt Transformers was the absolute worst movie ever made, with nothing even coming close to its level of shittiness, but I've never met a breathing soul to ever agree with just how horrible it was...

So I understand.

I don't read comics. My knowledge of X-Men extends to the cartoon show from the mid 90s, and that's only saying...well, as much as it can.

The biggest problem with comic movies is that they have to keep the movie-going clientel in mind. As much as it would be great to make a 3+ hour-long movie, a moviegoer's attention span has to last that long, and let's face it, most action movegoers are cro-magnon apes who drag their knuckles in the sand and ejaculate any time Jason Statham punches something. Although there's plenty more that could've been said (like how he lost all his memories...yet he somehow knows English, ok), they did what they could for time, and all n' all, it was entertaining. Deadpool was relatively creepy, Sabertooth pretty much did was Sabertooth does...it was what I'd thought it would be.

What I'm interested is...

...so Gambit sees Xavier as he takes all these mutants with him...

yet he doesn't go with him? Also, Toad went with Xavier, yet is a villain in the first X-Men?


*or just fodder for Origins: Magneto*

I completely agree with you on Transformers, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Wolverine... was just... bad... I watched it online a few weeks ago and the actor playing Deadpool, while funny, is not the appropriate type of funny to play Deadpool, plus... no mask. And why did they cast Liev Schriber to play Sabertooth? Tyler Mane was a much better sabertooth, he was close to proper size (Or you know, bigger that Hugh Jackamn) and looked the part (being a former pro wrestler). There was so much more that was wrong with this movie. After Transformers, I went and watched Street Fighter: The Movie, and was more entertained. Street Fighter was at least funnier. I almost did it again with Wolverine.

People went to watch Transformers... for Transformers?

you people smoking crack, Megan Fox is the reason to go see those movies... (I speak in plural because I'm counting the sequal coming out this year)

quarzark said:

People went to watch Transformers... for Transformers?

you people smoking crack, Megan Fox is the reason to go see those movies... (I speak in plural because I'm counting the sequal coming out this year)

but robots are like UNF UNF

quarzark said:

People went to watch Transformers... for Transformers?

you people smoking crack, Megan Fox is the reason to go see those movies... (I speak in plural because I'm counting the sequal coming out this year)

Megan Fox? What, for her extremely vacant, mouth-breaking stare that makes me want to punch her in the teeth?

There's nothing attractive about Megan Fox. She is but another mutant defect, like Mila Jovavich.

MarcoPulleaux said:

quarzark said:

People went to watch Transformers... for Transformers?

you people smoking crack, Megan Fox is the reason to go see those movies... (I speak in plural because I'm counting the sequal coming out this year)

Megan Fox? What, for her extremely vacant, mouth-breaking stare that makes me want to punch her in the teeth?

she has a face?

quarzark said:

she has a face?

If B cups are your thing dude...

MarcoPulleaux said:

quarzark said:

she has a face?

If B cups are your thing dude...

actually they are, but I was more talking about her figure then anything else.

Eh, to each their own. I'm not a fan of her figure, but then again my fancy is exotic chicks. Americans? Gracias pero no gracias.

Okay. As someone who was BORN and RAISED in New Orleans, LA, I have to say that I thought they did an EXCELLENT job with Gambit.

Yes, his accent in the old cartoon is charming, but there are almost no New Orleanians with that sort of Cajun accent (and haven't really been, for the 28 years I've been alive). Cajuns who still have that sort of accent live to the southeast, south, or southwest of N.O., out in the fishing and swamp towns. (In fact, I'm not sure how many folks with that accent are left anywhere.)

Gambit's accent in this movie was one of the first southerner/New Orleanian accents I've heard that didn't make me cringe.

And I coulda sworn I saw his cards explode when he blew Wolverine threw that wall.

The thing I liked best about Gambit in this movie is the thing that I liked best about Iron Man and The Hulk: the animators/directors were obviously drawing on video games, specifically MvC2, as source material.

In the animated series, and most of the comics, Gambit is not seriously badass. He's seriously cool, and seriously good with the ladies, but not truly badass. But in MvC2, he could frickin' bounce off walls, was a better-than-expert staff fighter, and could do more with his cards than just throw them and make them explode. (They were practically beam weapons.)

In this movie, they extrapolated that into 3d, and took it a step further. Not only is he a consummate acrobate, running on and bouncing off walls, etc., but he performs huge jumps, goes toe-to-toe and hand-to-hand with Wolverine for a surprising amount of time, and uses the glowing end of his staff to 'splode the hell through a giant wall of concrete that had Wolverine scared (even if it probably wouldn't have killed him). Also, he had limited telekinesis over the cards.

Could he have used more screen time? Yes. But in the opinion of this New Orleanian, he was done right. He even had the very slight tinge of the effeminate that we associate with Jack Sparrow and other like knaves. I was quite pleased.

Well there's no denying you'd know more about Cajun accents than I would

However, I'm a foreign language major in college and my high point in theatre is accents/voices, and I can still say that he "lost" his accent frequently. Generally, accents remain constant and have distinguishable characteristics.

While I have no idea how many variations there are on the Cajun accent, I do know that with Gambit in the movie, there were only a few words that received a noticably southern or Cajun accent, while the rest of his sentence was just kind of...droll, and plain.

So whether or not he did a decent Cajun I wouldn't know, but he didn't maintain it all too well, and that was what I (and many others) noticed most.

ARMed_PIrate said:

Could he have used more screen time? Yes. But in the opinion of this New Orleanian, he was done right. He even had the very slight tinge of the effeminate that we associate with Jack Sparrow and other like knaves. I was quite pleased.

I dunno, I guess I always liked that little French side of him. With that removed, that brings the number of French-speaking heroes/sidekicks in the Marvel universe of a heterosexual persuasion to a whopping 0%.

I wish I was kidding folks.

I will concede that those are fair points, both.

At least on the villain front, there was Bomb Voyage in the Incredibles. (:

ARMed_PIrate said:

I will concede that those are fair points, both.

At least on the villain front, there was Bomb Voyage in the Incredibles. (:

Perhaps, but he was specifically referring to Marvel, not Disney-Pixar XD. Hell, I think by that standard we might be able to include Skinner and perhaps even the coolest French villain ever: Claude Frollo

ARMed_PIrate said:

Yes, his accent in the old cartoon is charming, but there are almost no New Orleanians with that sort of Cajun accent (and haven't really been, for the 28 years I've been alive). Cajuns who still have that sort of accent live to the southeast, south, or southwest of N.O., out in the fishing and swamp towns. (In fact, I'm not sure how many folks with that accent are left anywhere.)

Gambit's accent in this movie was one of the first southerner/New Orleanian accents I've heard that didn't make me cringe.

Um, I thought Gambit did live out in the swamps and fishing towns? Didn't think he was a big city N'Orleaner.

Also, what was up with Xavier at the end? I thought his mental powers grew so much they crippled his body, was that not why he was in a wheelchair? What's he doing walking around flying helicopters?

Cascade said:

Also, what was up with Xavier at the end? I thought his mental powers grew so much they crippled his body, was that not why he was in a wheelchair? What's he doing walking around flying helicopters?

Oh, it really depends on when you are in the general history.

Did you know he's walking again? With his powers?

one of my friends apparently said that magneto crippled him later on when he turned evil.

Just keep in mind, though, that the movie takes place quite some time in the past compared to the first x-men movie (Scot is in high school for christ sake). It's possible that, at this time, he could still walk (did you notice all the cgi they used on his face?)