Please post in here if you want this book to come out in english, maybe if they see we all want the new core book they will finally bring it out for us.
Core Exxet
I'll shout on here, but my pessimism is telling me that even if this becomes the biggest thread of FFG it still won't happen. They don't care enough.
I'm all for any attempt to have that book translated. Even if someone were to do a kickstarter for it, I'd back it. (I'd do it but I don't speak Spanish)
this needs to be a thing. please translate into english
I guarantee if they translated it I would buy it. Why? because I love this game and have every book sitting on a shelf and I couldn't stand not having the up to date rules. Heck I'd buy the PDF too, just for good measure
I'd buy more anima if it came out. Within our 5 person anima group we have 3 full sets of anima books!
I want a copy of it. It would make things easier than looking up fan translations
I'll give a shout out, Ive got all the books, all the pdfs, 2 copies of the base book even the tactics rule book for the lore in it. If they released the Core Exxet, without a doubt I would buy it, including the PDF.
count me in I really want this done, I own all the books and some in PDF as well
I would buy.
I made an account just to reply. I love Anima so much and so the fact that it's basically dead for English users like some washed up mod that the devs stopped caring about because of gf problems makes me pretty annoyed. I would buy the book for me and all my friends as well as 4 copies of the pdf to send to my friends (because I actually care and do it the legal way).
I would also be interested
Count me in as well! The art work for this game beats all other table top rpg's hands down. The Gaia world is also well developed and interesting to read about. They definitely need to give this game more time to take off!
Please. Core Exxet. It needs to happen.
Count me in on wanting to see Core Exxet and Gaia 2 over here as soon as possible. Maybe it will happen.
I would love to see it released in english. Out of the various systems I've played, Anima has been my favorite.
Edited by Grey GuardianI want it too.
And the other books so far still on hold and only available in spanish.
I want more Anima books.
Posting my support! I would definitely buy Core Exxet!
I've been waiting and waiting for the next few books to come out... anima is the only system that I have hard copies of every book. The only system that I have invested in so fully. Bring me more books.... core,.Gaia2 And creatures 2. Asap please
I would love to see this book come out in English. Not to mention anything else written for Anima. This is a great game that NEEDS to continue to be supported. Come on, Fantasy Flight, hook us up!
Really eagerly awaiting the Core Exxet and the Gaia Vol. II books in English. Someone mentioned a kickstarter for this, would that be an option?
yeah yeah blah blah I want the book too. <bangs head into wall>
Created account to voice support
Fantasy Flight please, do what's in your heart