Zero space components via high quality ?

By at0milich, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Can one reduce components space requirements to zero by installing better quality verrion. This might actually make Viper sloop slightly more livable... just thinking... too much.


Note that a modifier cannot take any original value to zero; should this occur the modified value becomes 1.

-Battlefleet Koronus, p.17

You can't make a Poor Component suddenly require Space or Power if it had a value of 0 either.

Edited by Marwynn

Ok. Thanks ! Got that, back to trying to make that **** sloop livable.

Which sloop? Is it the Viper? Cause we had a nice thread on that recently.

Enjoy. Though basic consensus was it is a lousy starter ship but can make a great scout/courier/covert ship.

Edit: IF you could make things count 0 power and 0 space you could end up with some very silly ships that basically have everything. Even as it is if you take a Universe and use BQ parts to par down the space and power requirements you can still get just about every, and I mean every, supplemental component onto that ship.

Edited by Lady Kataline Jianwei

Edit: IF you could make things count 0 power and 0 space you could end up with some very silly ships that basically have everything. Even as it is if you take a Universe and use BQ parts to par down the space and power requirements you can still get just about every, and I mean every, supplemental component onto that ship.

There would be no need to have a ship with everything. You would take as many Best Quality Auto-Temples as you could acquire, and then all planetary landings/assaults/visits would be conducted by dropping INFINITE TEMPLES on the surface.

Also your armour would logically be impenetrable because your ship would be nestled inside of thousands of Imperial temples. Which impose no penalty to your tests obviously.

Instant Shrine World, Engage!

Here we see the noble Shrine Cruiser in its natural habitat. Make sure to approach it on Silent Running, for if startled this majestic Void Ship will jettison its holy Shrines in all directions, and quickly flee during the confusion.

Clearly the Universe class was designed to have its port and starboard slots filled with hangar decks, one of its cargo bays turned into a hangar deck, and fill the rest of the space with a small craft repair bay, pilots quarters and as many cargo holds to hold spare strike craft as possible... -_-

Clearly the Universe class was designed to have its port and starboard slots filled with hangar decks, one of its cargo bays turned into a hangar deck, and fill the rest of the space with a small craft repair bay, pilots quarters and as many cargo holds to hold spare strike craft as possible... -_-

How do you handle additional strike craft in cargo bays? I'd like to hear your homerule on that

Edit: IF you could make things count 0 power and 0 space you could end up with some very silly ships that basically have everything. Even as it is if you take a Universe and use BQ parts to par down the space and power requirements you can still get just about every, and I mean every, supplemental component onto that ship.

There would be no need to have a ship with everything. You would take as many Best Quality Auto-Temples as you could acquire, and then all planetary landings/assaults/visits would be conducted by dropping INFINITE TEMPLES on the surface.

Also your armour would logically be impenetrable because your ship would be nestled inside of thousands of Imperial temples. Which impose no penalty to your tests obviously.

This is one way Necrons invade a new world. Oh, wait you said INFINITE TEMPLES...uh, not MONOLITHS, then? Sorry, my mistake. ;) Hmm, do Necrons see monoliths like Temples? I wonder...

Clearly the Universe class was designed to have its port and starboard slots filled with hangar decks, one of its cargo bays turned into a hangar deck, and fill the rest of the space with a small craft repair bay, pilots quarters and as many cargo holds to hold spare strike craft as possible... -_-

How do you handle additional strike craft in cargo bays? I'd like to hear your homerule on that

Firstly there's a component in BFK that modifies a cargo hold into a hangar bay but it unbalances the ship so you lose maneuverability. I don't have the exact stats to hand. As to the other cargo bays well they haul cargo, and strike craft that aren't in active use are arguably cargo so i see no issue with the players making enough acquisition rolls to purchase far more strike craft than their hangars can hold, but ruling that they can't access these spare strike craft in the time span of starship combat as they are essentially 'boxed up' and require hauling out of the cargo bays and into the hangar decks externally before being opened up and prepped for use.