Running through ICE

By c08, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

This will be basic question, for most of players maybe even silly but I'm newbie who would like to know how to play A:N correctly.

There is a server. Rezzed ICE is protecting this server.

1. I have no Icebreaker and I make a run. Icebreaker subroutines will kick in. If subroutines doesn't end run (and I'm not flattened), can I still continue this run?


2. I always need Icebreaker (type doesn't matter) that would have strength equal or better than ICE strength .


3. I always need Icebreaker with exact type as ICE that would have strength equal or better than ICE strength.

If the ICE a.) had no "End the Run" subroutine, b.) did not flatline you, and c.) did not redirect you to another server ( Susanoo-no-Mikoto ), then you may continue your run on that server or jack out voluntarily.

Edited by Wh0isTh3D0ct0r