What game is this?

By grim_reaper_zig, in Ad Astra

Apparently we get a new forum, which means new game! Sounds like scifi game to me, but thats just me. any info on this game?

Anything futuristic AND strategic will be good for me (though I'd prefer it even more if Co-op is there too...)

Not having too many details, this appears to be a streamlined version of Starfarers of Catan.

Whoa, ColtsFan is back! I was about the say it look like a revamped Catan, but then people had the same sort of complaints about BSG and it turns out to be quiet different from Shadows Over Camalot.

I see elements of Cosmic Encounter in this game. Of course, I see elements of CE in everything ...

Is it more CE, Twilight Imperium or Settlers of Catan? Either way, I've always been intimidated by the ginormous TI box and the hefty price tag as well. sorpresa.gif But, of course, I heard it was good game. I've always liked the Let's leave Earth scenario, like Alpha Centauri on PC.

We shall all never know until more previews have been released...

After reading a reveiw in this game, it seems to be a settlers of catan in space and race to the galaxy revamped., so if you like the concept of shoose an order and the other people get it to with out a bonus, and also like building and getting recources, you will like this game. If you want tech and combat from cosmic encounter or twilight emperium, don't bother.

What if you want both?! Will you be half satisfied at least?

No details yet, but I can see Faidutti's behind it. That's enough to make me extremely wary. So far, Incan Gold is the only game of his that I'd ever consider playing again.

Trump said:

No details yet, but I can see Faidutti's behind it. That's enough to make me extremely wary.

Same for me. I don't really appreciate Faidutti's games. Too much chaos for me. But I'm still eager to see Ad Astra, I love Space Opera. I hope the best for this game. Let's hope it won't be anoter "valley of the mammoths". serio.gif

It looks interesting. I like the theme. If it is similar to Starfarers then I hope they include those awesome plastic spaceships. Really, that the only reason I would play Starfarers.

A more detailed preview is up, I see. Still looks quite a bit like Race for the Galaxy, though I hope it's a bit easier. Though it's not spelled out in the short bit we have, I'm guessing each "subspecies" will have a power a la CE. It's still looking a lot like a close relative of Catan, I have to say.

NealS said:

A more detailed preview is up, I see. Still looks quite a bit like Race for the Galaxy, though I hope it's a bit easier. Though it's not spelled out in the short bit we have, I'm guessing each "subspecies" will have a power a la CE. It's still looking a lot like a close relative of Catan, I have to say.

I disagree. I'm really not feeling much connection to Race at all. You kind of have simultaneous role selection for three turns at once, but that's not nearly enough to compare it to Race (which I agree is a pain in the butt to play. blech!). I'm not feeling Catan either. We can't really tell how resources are generated, but without random die rolls there, you're losing your Catan connection. And the claustrophobic feel when building in Catan doesn't seem to be here either. Guess we need more info!

This little bit doesn't sit right right me : "Both games also have a luck element - the production dice in Catan, the exploration in Ad Astra."

OK, sure, when dice are involved, there's some luck there, but with Catan you can at least play the probabilities. If exploration in Ad Astra involves simply flipping over a chit to see if you get something, that's really not the same thing.

Programmed actions are mentioned and they sound at least vaguely similar to those in Starcraft.

I can't really tell much more from that interview... except that the insights into Faidutti's design process show me precisely why I don't tend to like his games.

Ezhaeu said:

It's for 3 to 5 players. I was hoping only 2 could play.

Word up. Here's hoping that the guys and gals who are good at coming up with variants post a 2-player version at some point.