For DreDrew82 - Question about spells

By Julia, in Elder Sign

Please, look at this thread , your very same question is debated (and sorry for not answering in the FAQ thread)

Thanks for the clarification.

I am beginning to feel as though my questions are not welcome here. I will ask them elsewhere.

Edited by DreDrew82

Your questions are certainly welcome here, sorry if I gave you not this impression.

I simply asked not to spam with non-FAQ questions the FAQ thread. If you are new to the game, you have all the rights to ask all the questions you need to see clarified, but simply do that in a different thread. Then, in case it's worth an FAQ-entry, the question can be entered the other thread. I just asked help in not derailing a thread devoted to a specific task.

Additionally, forum rules suggest that before asking, we should check whether questions have already been asked or not. You last question was asked on the first page of the main forum, and it was reported on the first page of the FAQ thread (reply 7, third bullet point).

So my questions are welcome here, just not the two I have asked. Got it.

Thanks again for being so helpful and welcoming. If you are an emissary of FFG, you are doing a great job of making new players feel welcomed to the community.

Let's try again. We have a forum where to ask questions. Me, you, everyone, we are all equals, we do all have the same rights and are questions are good and welcome.

When you originally posted in the FAQ thread (a thread devoted to collect questions that cannot be answered after reading carefull the rules OR that arose from a confusing situation), I answered your questions and asked gently if you could post further questions in the main forum. And I gave you a clear explanation for my asking. You ignored my pledge, and posted again in the same thread.

Instead of ignoring your question, I opened for you another thread, putting your name in the object to be sure you could see it (something I wasn't sure it would have happened otherwise, since, as said, your question was answered on the first page of this forum, and reported again in the thread you asked about it), and posted a link to a thread addressing your very same question. It was easier pointing you at the thread rather than copy / pasting all the answers.

How this could be unpolite or not respectful, remains a mystery to me. I'd say the not respectful behaviour is when you ask someone "please don't to *this* because this could damage the quality of the work done" and this person ignores the suggestions and keeps on posting in a wrong thread. It's like going to the greengrocer and ask for fish.

But anyway, if you feel that my answers where not respectful (and I still wonder when / how I violeted rules of the community; I answered your queries, I opened a thread to give you an answer to another query of yours and got sarcasm and unpoliteness in return), feel free to use the "Report" button at the end of the offensive post.

Thank you. I will be happy to Report you as you have asked.


I want to welcome you to the you have a total of 5 posts, my guess is you're new to the game...and maybe to FFG's line of games overall. I see that you've met Julia ~ she's been around here for many years, answering questions and guiding new (and veteran players). I, too, have assisted, but certainly not to the same level as my friend. Unfortunately, while the FFG folks will occasionally monitor the fora, they're not answering questions. It's up to us, the veteran players of myriad games to assist with rule interpretations and clarifications.

Sometimes the discussions get a bit heated as players have very passionate responses...but overall, the dialogue between and among the players is civil and courteous. Hope you stick around and as you have questions, feel free to ask them. One of the best ways to do so is title your post in clear language ~ and you'll be surprised by the number of posts which follow.




Thank you for welcoming me to the Forum. I am new to Elder Signs and to Arkham Horror games in general. In the future, I will take your advice as far as posting is concerned. As a new player, this board can be very confusing as there are posts which reference the new rules, the old rules, and the FAQ's - and the responses are often contradictory. It is nice to know that there are gamers here looking to help others.




There are both positive and negative aspects to the design of the fora both here and over at BoardGameGeek ( BGG ). Here on FFG's site, the most recently answered posts remain relevant and appear at the top of the first page, while the others slip into oblivion. On the down-side there's no way to filter the posts or search through them for a particular topic. At BGG , you have many, many more people responding to each specific thread, but as new ones appear, the most recent one slips daily (and sometimes hourly) to the second page and beyond. However, you can filter a bit, in terms of Variants, Sessions, Rules...but after 500 pages, it's efficacy is almost completely lost.

Again, welcome ~ come to have your questions answered, stay for the healthy banter.



If a Doom token or a Monster is a reward on an adventure card, does that mean you get to remove those items or do you have to add those items? We have been playing that you have to add them, as if the investigators can complete the card but there may be a drawback to the completion. Based on another thread, it seems as though some users might remove these items when they are listed as rewards. Is there an official ruling?


first of all you should check whether you have the revised edition of the core set or the standard one. This can easily be done by checking the rulebook. Revised edition has a small writing ("Revised printing") under the title on pag 1, and it's longer (20 pages against 12). This is important to check because some of the adventure cards in the core set have been revised (substitutive copies are included in the Unseen Forces expansion), and the first printing had some cards having doomers to be added among the rewards.

Still, I don't remember if all cards having a doom token as reward have been changed, so the general rule of the thumb is: monster icons (and doom token icons) add monsters (and doom tokens) unless they come in a small circle with a line crossing it from upper left to bottom right. I can't post images of the icons here, but if you look at the last page of the core set rules and of the Unseen Forces exp (you can download both of them from the support page here ) you'll immediately notice the difference.

Hope this helps


Thank you Julia! :) That answers my question exactly.

Glad it helped :) If you have any more questions, keep'em coming :) ES is quite tricky under certain aspects