Dark Elves and Skaven previews are up

By Westonard, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Honestly after looking at what the Dark Elves are bringing to the table with Lokhir Fellheart, I want to see Dark Elves released next. The ability to have a portion of your army having Flank, and the Cloaked in Darkness command card..That is a nice counter to the Dwarf, Empire, or High Elf Gun lines, at least for a round.

The Verminitide will make rushing the Skaven hero or any other skaven heroes a gamble, or likewise, a nice suicide unit to rush in and then use the small AoE effect of the card. That might see more use after the Skaven get their focus, and there are Rat priests, so the potential loss of a hero is minimized.

Ikkit Claw entering the fray. This will be good :)

Oh man, can't wait for the Skaven army to swarm over the battlefield. :D

Also, it seems that you could also buy 2 of each expansion set just to have more army building options. I'm actually thinking of making this my 'main' boardgame I want to invest in now.

I have pre ordered two of each expansion. I actually think it would work for the best. People are assuming it will be 3 of each disk, but looking at the smalls, I doubt you will have 3 Aspiring Necromancers, or 3 Runesmiths, as that would give more casters than each core army has. Likewise, you will probably want a second of each expansion to get the casters/elites there will likely be one of for the Dwarves/Vampire Counts, and you probably won't see Skinks or Gutter Runners, or Corsairs or whatever in the Lizardmen, Skaven, or Dark Elf core expansions, since they would have already been released.

Ikkit Claw entering the fray. This will be good :)

I had a mixed response to him. At first I wasn't that impressed, but I do like his ability, and he has a very solid stat-line for a caster. I think he will be fun to use, especially with the command card to add in some damage around him. It might make enemies think twice about pinning him.

I´ll like having Skaven some advanced reach. Suits my playing style well.Much more better than just swarming. And starting straight for the ratling guns! Just Splendid! How can it get any better than this? Already looking forward to Jezzail Teams...

Edited by Katsuyori