Newbie with questions regarding Naval Challenges

By Greyjoyyy, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Hey all!

Got this game yesterday (newbie) and have some questions.

During Challenge-Phase

If i attack with a character that has let's say Military and Naval Icon, and a normal Intrigue Icon (without ship-icon), and decide to attack via Military, can any Military unit defend against it, or does it have to be Military with Naval-icon to be able to Defend against it?

Do i need Naval-defenders (with corresponding type, lets say Military) to defend against someone attacking me with a Military-Naval attack, or can i defend with a regular land-based Military character?

Thanks for help :)

No, you do not have to have a Naval enhancement on the appropriate icon to defend against a challenge with an attacker who has the enhancement.

The Naval enhancement gives you more options on when you can declare an attacker or defender in a challenge. It does no affect the standard method for declaring attackers/defenders, which do not require then enhancement.

Thank you Tom! :)