A few rules questions

By Veruca, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hey, finally got the game on thursday, and have played 4 games so far. I can honestly say that this game has immediately secured a place in my top favorites. There's been a few instances where we didn't know how to proceed though, and couldn't find a conclusive answer in the rulesbook.

1) Can a disk perform a ranged attack if it is: a) pinned by an enemy disk; b) pinned by an allied disk?

2) Can a disk perform a focus ability if it is: a) pinned by an enemy disk; b) pinned by an allied disk?

3) Can an active Command Ability be used when the disk in question is pinned (for example, can I use Fist of Mork when my only caster is pinned by a) an enemy disk, b) an allied disk

4) When are abilities on Command Cards triggered? For example: I reveal an Arcane Attack (steady) and my opponent reveals a Shield of Saphery (devious). Do I resolve the Arcane Attack ability, then activate all my disks, then my opponent uses his Shield ability? Or do I use my Arcane Attack, then my opponent uses his Shield ability, and then I activate my disks?

Also, what if I reveal a card that can empower a disk. Do I have to empower it before I do anything else, or can I activate my disks first, and then empower a unit? So baiscally, can I use a Command Card's ability anytime during my turn, or do I have to use if before anything else?

5) During my 2nd game, I used the Chaos Hellcannon, and rolled a Chaos Star. How do I proceed with the movement? It says I have to move closer to the nearest unpinned enemy disk. Do I have to move in a straight line, or can I move anyway I want, as long as I end the movement closer to the enemy disk? During play, my Hellcannon was behind all my units. If I had to move my Cannon in a straight line, it would have Impacted on all my units. I however moved it slightly around my units, but ended about a cm closer to the enemy disk (I would have been much closer to the enemy disk if I had to flip over my own troops). Did I play this correctly?

Thanks in advance. :)

1) Can a disk perform a ranged attack if it is: a) pinned by an enemy disk; b) pinned by an allied disk?

a) no, because to make a ranged attack, a unit has to be activatetd. A pinned unit cannot be activated (page 8 rulebook)

b) look answer a)

2) Can a disk perform a focus ability if it is: a) pinned by an enemy disk; b) pinned by an allied disk?

a) no, because to resolve a focus abiliy, a unit has to be activatetd. A pinned unit cannot be activated (page 8 rulebook)

b) look answer a

3) Can an active Command Ability be used when the disk in question is pinned (for example, can I use Fist of Mork when my only caster is pinned by a) an enemy disk, b) an allied disk

Yes, an active Command ability can be used by a pinned unit. RB page 7 quotes: "discs using battle abilites do not have to activate to perform the [battle] ability, and can even use it while pinned

4) When are abilities on Command Cards triggered? For example: I reveal an Arcane Attack (steady) and my opponent reveals a Shield of Saphery (devious). Do I resolve the Arcane Attack ability, then activate all my disks, then my opponent uses his Shield ability? Or do I use my Arcane Attack, then my opponent uses his Shield ability, and then I activate my disks?

You resolve your battle ability directly before or after using the command card in question to activate a disc. Like this:

[window for using BA] --> activate a unit --> [window for using BA]

"Empower a unit" is also a BA and works the same. So you could empower a unit before or after activating a unit.

5) During my 2nd game, I used the Chaos Hellcannon, and rolled a Chaos Star. How do I proceed with the movement? It says I have to move closer to the nearest unpinned enemy disk. Do I have to move in a straight line, or can I move anyway I want, as long as I end the movement closer to the enemy disk? During play, my Hellcannon was behind all my units. If I had to move my Cannon in a straight line, it would have Impacted on all my units. I however moved it slightly around my units, but ended about a cm closer to the enemy disk (I would have been much closer to the enemy disk if I had to flip over my own troops). Did I play this correctly?

When triggerd by "mark of Chaos" Hell canon moves to nearest disc it is not pinning. This includes your own discs, and you must move it that it overlaps the nearest unit at the end of flipping. However, you can choose how best to flip it. (See also P 22 RB)

I hope I got it all right...

Edited by Katsuyori

So, I somehow messed up the quotation. I hope everybody can understand after all. Sorry for that.

Edited by Katsuyori

Thanks, that clears up a lot. It seems we've still made a few mistakes. Well, the more we play, the easier it will become to remember everything. :P So thanks!

Another question: how do you divide Command Cards between players, using a single core set? What we did was give each player their 4 race-specific cards, and then randomly deal the remaining cards face down to the players. From that pool, a player could then select 4 cards to use. Is this how you guys are doing it as well?

Before we played with 2 core-sets, we did the following:

1. First player takes all the Command cards, then selects one (rule: cannot choose a card that has a Command Card ability for a race e.g: empire or another faction e.g. destruction)

2. Next player in initiative order selects a Command card


When the last player has chosen his card, start over with the First player until each Player has as much cards as his command card maximum is reached (depending on the command value of his Heroes)