FFG Developer Answered Questions

By kaosoe, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your question! The Clone Wars-era armor does have those additional features, but this entry does not supersede the one in No Disintegrations . Though if a GM wants to use the version in Collapse of the Republic in a game of any other era, they should feel free to do so! It does make the armor slightly better, of course, since vacuum sealed would otherwise require a hard point, so the GM would have to weigh that advantage in the context of their game.

Thanks, and I hope you’re enjoying the book!


Tim Cox

RPG Developer and Fiction Producer

Fantasy Flight Games



Rules Question:
I've got a question about Mandalorian armor. According to page 56 of Collapse of the Republic, all Mandalorian armor suits include an integrated comlink and are Vacuum sealed. However, in Dangerous Covenants, these are not included in the armor, yet, in all other cases are identical in terms of cost, Hard Points, Ratity, etc. Is the addition of the comlink and Vacuum Sealed eratta that can be applied to the earlier version of the armor, or is it exclusive to Mandalorian Armor of the Clone Wars era?

Hi Daeglan,

Thanks for your question! You’re correct; that’s an error and the B1 supervisor should have rank 3 in Leadership. Command is, of course, a talent and not a skill (and the droid does not have any ranks in that talent).

We’ll get that fixed in future printings. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Tim Cox

RPG Developer and Fiction Producer

Fantasy Flight Games

Rules Question:

The B1 Supervisor Droid in Collapse of the Republic Lists the Command Skill at rank 3. I suspect this is an error? Is it supposed to be Leadership?

Edited by Daeglan

Rules Question:
There is a big debate going on the forums now over the "It's not that bad" talent. The talent allows the character to make a medical check as an incidental to allow another character to ignore the effects of a critical injury. The question is does the Medic have to be engaged with the person receiving the critical or not. If yes, it seems to really devalue the talent which is already a once per session talent. Many of us feel people are looking too much into the title of the talent instead of the intent of the talent. Is the Medic able to use this talent from medium, long, extreme range bands? Do they have to be on sight or just in communications with the victim.


The talent does not have a listed range, and therefore it can be used at any range. However, the character with the talent must be in the same encounter as the target, and the GM is perfectly within their rights to put reasonable limitations on the talent (such as requiring the target to be able to hear and communicate with the character, for example).

Hope this helps!

Sam Gregor-Stewart

RPG Manager

Fantasy Flight Games

If in an attack with two weapons, in addition to the successes, I get enough advantages to impact with both and make a critical wound with each, I apply the usual +10 to the critic or I can make a different critical wound with each of them?

On 2/7/2020 at 4:24 PM, MrTynd said:

If in an attack with two weapons, in addition to the successes, I get enough advantages to impact with both and make a critical wound with each, I apply the usual +10 to the critic or I can make a different critical wound with each of them?

You cant ask the questions here. You need to send it via the customer service email

Sorry, i doesn't knew, thanks for the info.

4 hours ago, Daeglan said:

You cant ask the questions here. You need to send it via the customer service email

Do we know if there is anyone who will be answering them these days? My assumption is that there would not be anyone to do so.

5 hours ago, Kualan said:

Do we know if there is anyone who will be answering them these days? My assumption is that there would not be anyone to do so.

Someone would be reading the email. I dont think they would leave the email unmonitored.

On 2/7/2020 at 5:24 PM, MrTynd said:

If in an attack with two weapons, in addition to the successes, I get enough advantages to impact with both and make a critical wound with each, I apply the usual +10 to the critic or I can make a different critical wound with each of them?

You can activate one Critical Injury per hit . With TWF, if you get enough advantage, you hit with both weapons, so that's two hits, and each hit can trigger a Critical Injury.

2 hours ago, Daeglan said:

Someone would be reading the email. I dont think they would leave the email unmonitored.

Someone reading the emails and someone reading them who is qualified to answer the questions are two different things 😜

I read that the Wound and Strain Thresholds can't be increased after being determined by the species. But what about during character creation? E.g.: a player starts with a Human character, so with Wound Threshold of 12 (Brawn 2 + 10). Immediately he uses the starting XP to bring Brawn to 3. Does it get Wound Threshold of 13 because it's achieved DURING character creation?

Thanks in advance


3 minutes ago, Daeran Angelfire said:

I read that the Wound and Strain Thresholds can't be increased after being determined by the species. But what about during character creation? E.g.: a player starts with a Human character, so with Wound Threshold of 12 (Brawn 2 + 10). Immediately he uses the starting XP to bring Brawn to 3. Does it get Wound Threshold of 13 because it's achieved DURING character creation?

Thanks in advance


This isn't the thread for asking questions, this is for posting questions that you've submitted to the devs and gotten an official ruling on. However, your question has a quick answer:

"Determine Derived Attributes" is step 7 of Character Creation, and so is after step 6, which is "Invest Experience Points" so you use the Brawn of 3, not the species starting Brawn.

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

This isn't the thread for asking questions, this is for posting questions that you've submitted to the devs and gotten an official ruling on. However, your question has a quick answer:

"Determine Derived Attributes" is step 7 of Character Creation, and so is after step 6, which is "Invest Experience Points" so you use the Brawn of 3, not the species starting Brawn.

Thanks! Now it's clear. And sorry for using the wrong thread.

I cannot found it on forums but, block a blaster with a hand (Vader on Bespin) from where it comes?


17 minutes ago, Josep Maria said:

I cannot found it on forums but, block a blaster with a hand (Vader on Bespin) from where it comes?


This thread is for posting questions you have had answered by the Devs. If you want to submit a question, you need to go through channels on that. I'm not sure if they're still answering though, as I've submitted a couple questions within the last couple months and gotten no response.

I've been playing SW RPG for a while now and have grown somewhat frustrated with how overly much the character career options are slanted towards frontier style characters (and outer rim settings). I was wondering if we could expect a SW-RPG based in the heart of the Empire's domain at some point in the future? Something that might make it possible to craft the kinds of highly urban, criminal underworld, corrupt polticos stories that G.L. was contemplating with his prematurely pre-cancelled Star Wars underworld series that's been discussed the past couple of years. I keep wanting to do things with mafia bosses, nobles, and war profiteers or industrialists but there a no really appropriate careers for those (so I keep making house rules to fill the gaps) but, a game centered in the heart of the Galactic Empire, call it Remnants of Republic, would open a world of interesting play possibilities (and also better highlight the differences between the highly urbanized core worlds from the more frontier-oriented and wild rim worlds).

Also, is it okay to post house-rules to the forums here? There was a tradition of this for many of FFG's boardgames but I'm not really certain where they would go since the SW RPG is trifurcated into three different games... a general SW RPG forum for cross-game and general posts would be marvelous.

2 hours ago, Vandal Thorne said:

Please read the OP. This is not a thread for asking the developers questions; this is a thread where people who have had a question answered by the developers (by email etc.) post the answer.

2 hours ago, Vandal Thorne said:

I've been playing SW RPG for a while now and have grown somewhat frustrated with how overly much the character career options are slanted towards frontier style characters (and outer rim settings). I was wondering if we could expect a SW-RPG based in the heart of the Empire's domain at some point in the future? Something that might make it possible to craft the kinds of highly urban, criminal underworld, corrupt polticos stories that G.L. was contemplating with his prematurely pre-cancelled Star Wars underworld series that's been discussed the past couple of years. I keep wanting to do things with mafia bosses, nobles, and war profiteers or industrialists but there a no really appropriate careers for those (so I keep making house rules to fill the gaps) but, a game centered in the heart of the Galactic Empire, call it Remnants of Republic, would open a world of interesting play possibilities (and also better highlight the differences between the highly urbanized core worlds from the more frontier-oriented and wild rim worlds).

Also, is it okay to post house-rules to the forums here? There was a tradition of this for many of FFG's boardgames but I'm not really certain where they would go since the SW RPG is trifurcated into three different games... a general SW RPG forum for cross-game and general posts would be marvelous.

See the above response, but to answer your question:
This game can already do that, and is intended to. The game focuses on the concept of an OT-era fringe adventure, but you can take the characters and place them into any circumstance in any era. Sometimes careers won't match your concept perfectly, but with some creativity and maybe supplemental careers, they will.

Yes, it's fine to post houserules here. Generally, just post in the EotE forum. If you have a Force-y question, then the FaD forum is more appropriate since it filled out the Force system (though that's only relevant if you are using the FaD Force system). But the EotE forum gets the most traffic.

I recommend that if you need help with a character concept like a mafia boss, noble, war profiteer, etc. that you post a thread on the topic. I as well as others will be happy to help you and give you advice.

Has the summaries at the start of this thread been updated?

I'm collecting things. :ph34r:

Sadly, I lost my steam keeping the main pages up-to-date as things rolled in. It's only about 75% up-to-date, and by about page 8 or 9, I lost track.

Curse my laziness.

Right now I'm transfering this to the Forum Nytwyng set up, it will take some time till i finish digging through all as it seems that there already are some things twice, but I'll concentrate on saving everything - than sorting.

So if nothing really bad happens it won't be lost.

Edited by Malashim
1 hour ago, Malashim said:

Right now I'm transfering this to the Forum Nytwyng set up, it will take some time till i finish digging through all as it seems that there already are some things twice, but I'll concentrate on saving everything - than sorting.

So if nothing really bad happens it won't be lost.

Thank you, thank you. Please tell us when you are done.

Would it be ok to post your consolidated list somewhere else on the web, such as other forums?

Even if there will be some differences to Kaosoe's work, it is not "my" list to begin with :D

Don't know how long it will take me but when it's done - go ahead.

If anyone wonders how progress is doing:

I'd say good but it's a lot to sort through as i try to figure out what final layout i will use (right now i think i'll scrap the names for example to slim down the word count).

And sadly most of my spare time goes into my online groups, never played with such a high frequency and i sink a lot of time into preparing :D

It is possible that this will be gone until I'm done, so if you want the whole thing you need to have an eye on Nytwyng's Forum, I'll post an update when I'm done.

Hey! I had a question about Exceed Expectations and Improved Exceed Expectations, from the Scavenger Universal in Rise of the Separatists.

Exceed Expectations adds a Boost Die.

"Improved" Exceed Expectations, on the vast majority of checks, removes an Ability Die and adds a Proficiency Die.

The basic power is CONSIDERABLY stronger, unless you are already guaranteed to pass the check.

For a YYYGGGPP check, an upgrade is probably better since you will almost definitely pass, and the added chance of a Triumph is amazing.

For a GGPPP check, the boost is undeniably statistically superior, and if you don't believe me run some quick tests on https://ttftcuts.github.io/sw_dice/

However, the "Improved" talent forces you to use it, RAW. You have no choice in the matter. You spend 20 exp to go from passing an important check 55% of the time to passing it 52% of the time. There are contexts in which the Improved version is better, don't get me wrong. YYY upgrading to YYYG is better than YYYB of course!

Also, keep in mind that the opportunity cost of taking the Improved version of the talent is 20 exp - exp you could have spent elsewhere. It's not just that it's a downgrade, it's not just that it's an expensive downgrade, it's that it's an expensive and mandatory downgrade, if you want to reach Dedication and Contraption.

Basically my question for the creators:

- was this intentional?

- any chance of an errata to make the Improved version, well, Improved?

- any chance of an official answer saying you can choose to use the basic version if you deem it to be stronger?

Edited by player6000231

Chance of success alone is not always "better" than having higher chances of triumphs. By upgrading one green you can increase the chances to get a triumph by ~8% while dropping around ~4% chance of success.

Just one quick example:

If a PC has a weapon where they need around 4 net successes to actually get past the soak of a rancor while he is trying to eat them, those few percent possibly won't make a difference. But a Triumph is capable of saving the PC if the GM allows it.

As this Talent also has the chance to damage the used equipment I don't think it was meant to just look at it from a percentage of success point of view. Attacking something with adversary can outright "kill" the used item in the first attack, but in a dire situation even an unsuccessful roll with despair and triumph can lead to an outcome where the item in question is pretty much ruined and the desired outcome wasn't achieved but the PC is still "saved".

It depends mostly on the check, what the PC wants to achieve and what a triumph can bring to the table (heavily dependant on the GM).

In most situations where my PC would use an item in a check I would prefer the upgrade over the boost. Either I get better chances for triumphs or I get an additional G.

And PS: still wrong thread, here were the answers posted people got by sending the questions vial mail to the developers...