[SKILL TEST] > Need Clarification...

By tcamprubi2, in Battlestar Galactica

I just was wondering if the skill test needed to escape from the brigg had to be done by the captive player himself (only him) or had to be treated as a "regular" skill test and thus done by all players...

Well, it really has to be a regular test, since the brigged player can only play 1 card per skill check...

And it is. That's the beauty of the Brig. If noobody wants you out, you won't get out. If there is only one or two other players out there who want to see you smoldering in the interiors of Galactica's Last Stop, you have no chance of ever getting out of there.

That makes sense. Thanks you for this answer.

You are welcome. It gives meaning to my F5-button's death. ;)