Flow of the game

By ClanNatioy, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I haven't been able to play much of this game because my usual opponent doesn't like it at all. I can't really say either way because of lack of plays. I am curious though on how your games are typically playing out.

Things I want to know are: what % of disks are being killed by ranged/magic/special action attacks? what % of disks are being killed by impact? and what % of disks are being killed in melee combat?

Maybe you could factor in tag team effort if you want like ranged attack did initial damage but impact finished off the disk or you could just count what ever did the final damage.

Maybe also tell us if you are playing order or destruction in addition to these figures.

From my tiny sampling it seems that Ranged is causing the most deaths (maybe 4 or 5 disks killed) followed by impact (with 3 disks killed), then finally melee (with 2 disks killed). This is how it went in my latest game of Empire vs Chaos. One Chaos disk was killed from impact of Hellcannon but still counting that as an impact death.

It is actually difficult to remember where all the different deaths happened from but range and impact definitely had more then melee. Maybe ranged had 4 kills and impact 4

I'm also curious how many deaths happen per turn. In that last game that was played 0 died in the first turn and then things exploded in turns 2 and 3 with lots of disks dying. Don't remember the exact numbers and the game ended after turn 3. It seemed like we should have had less cards in hand as the game went on because at the end of turn 3 I had more orders available then I had disk.

It would be interesting to see how others games are playing out and it will give me an idea of if I'm playing correctly because things just seem to die to ranged attacks. Those two steam tanks plus two knights panther did give me a lot of range and impact damage so maybe that just skewed things.

Please post your disk death from various things spread and disks dying per turn below.

Edited by ClanNatioy

I feel like that's a very weird thing to ask because the nature of the game obviously depends so much on faction, play style and army building. From my experience, ranged attacks and impact usually don't kill alone and it's always used in a joint effort with melee units. Melee by far causes the most deaths per round. Ranged units outright killing other units does happen but it's pretty uncommon compared to deaths from CQB.

Obviously, if you typically play Empire, and compose your army of crossbowmen, wizards, pistoliers, and hellfire cannons, you will have more deaths from ranged attacks than from melee.

If you play Chaos, and compose your army of two bloodthirsters, plaguebearers, and marauders, then you will obviously have mostly deaths from melee.

It also depends how smart you play. It's part of the game to position yourself in a way that you will not get killed by impact units for example by using terrain, shielding with other disks, or pinning the impacting disks first before they get to move.

Edited by Timpro

Tend to find that missile fire and magic do about the same as melee - although as often as not, the answer is 'both' - a unit pinned in melee gets shot at with magic so their opponent does enough damage to remove them.

It's much rarer to see an impact kill. Grom sometimes pulls it off, but rarely and never more than once or twice in a game,- he's so **** deadly he tends to find himself pinned early.

Generally you don't tend to see kills on turn one. The Empire is the only army that does it easily - a pair of pistoleer units can assassinate one disk fairly easily if they combine fire. Turn 2-3 most of the action happens, turn 4 and 5 tends to be either mopping up or desperate clutching at straws....

I couldn't give you percentages, I just don't keep track of those things.


For me at least, every game is different. It depends on the build of each army and the strategies employed by the players.

I tend to use ranged attacks for board control and to soften units up, so I don't get a lot of kills that way. I use impact either for a quick kill to throw a kink in my opponents plans, or to soften up their tougher units. Magic is also used primarily to soften up units. Most of my kills come in melee. But that isn't a surprise because I mostly play Orcs.

Of course, this can change depending on the situation. I have played armies that rely heavily on impact and relentless, in those cases, I get a lot more impact kills, I don't think it ever becomes the primary way to remove units, but it does then take on a bigger role. And, of course, when I roll with my trolls, they tend to increase the number of ranged attacks that result in kills, but again, it doesn't take it over my melee kill count.

But even when I have used High Elves or Empire, I still tend to use my units in a similar fashion. Ranged, for board control, impact, ranged, and magic to soften things up for melee. There just aren't a lot of units that can reliably kill with a ranged attack. It's part of the reason that I don't mind ranged attacks being random, as opposed to the determinism of the melee round. I won't usually waste multiple ranged attacks on a single unit, because you can't ever guarantee a kill, and being able to place an activation token on an unmoved unit is usually much more of a hinderance to your opponents plans.

Magnus' assessment of how the rounds play out is fairly spot on. Though some things can change it a bit, it usually plays out like that.

My strategies tend to work like this, I do all random (i.e. ranged attacks and magic attacks with random outcomes, like fist of Mork) as soon as possible, then I go for my pins and impact damage, then I ensure my important kills or wounds with Magic. Obviously, this changes based on the situation in the game, but it generally works pretty well for me.

^ Yeah, basically what he said. That's what I tried to say but he did it better :D

Others have said this already, but one of the things that will happen a lot in games are "split kills," where damage is dealt from more than one source. For example, impact rarely kills units outright, but it often softens them up or finishes them off after they have already been dealt some form of damage. If you play any ranged or magic damage, this is especially true.

Thus, it becomes a question of where do you credit the kills? To the ranged attack that did three damage, or to the swordsman who piled on top and closed the deal in melee?

That said, I would estimate that well over half the deaths in my games occur during the melee phase, and that is true even if there is a shooty army on the table. Impact rarely scores kills for me unless it is piggybacking off of previous damage. Since I generally play elves and we are impact's redheaded step-child featuring only reavers, I don't see many impact kills. Damage from ranged attacks (either magical or missile) often account for a fair amount of kills, but they also usually need to be closed out in melee or in conjunction with damage from another source. Militia archers and militia spearmen, for example, have teamed up to kill many a unit in my games.

Teclis, of course, is a different story. I like to use him to one-shot enemies whenever possible, especially with speed of Asuryan. He has managed a fair amount of magic kills for me.

Thanks for the responses.

Yeah I figured it was going to be a weird question to answer because of most likely split damage taking out disks and because people typically don't record these types of things.

I wish I had a regular gaming buddy that liked this game so I could test things out more and get more games in to figure out if I like this game and like it enough to invest in its future releases.

My favorite way to kill stuff is with impact though. It was pretty sweet to have two knights panthers team up to take out a bloodthirster. They guy seems kind of sad in the Knights get the drop on him.

The team I fielded that game was very high on impact damage so maybe results skewed to having more impact kills. This was my team:

Volkmar the Grim

Marienburg Swordsmen

Talabheim Greatswords

Knights Panther

Steam Tank

Luthor Huss

Marienburg Swordsmen x2

Knights Panther

Steam Tank

Command Cards

Myrmidia's Blessing




Thanks for the responses.

Yeah I figured it was going to be a weird question to answer because of most likely split damage taking out disks and because people typically don't record these types of things.

I wish I had a regular gaming buddy that liked this game so I could test things out more and get more games in to figure out if I like this game and like it enough to invest in its future releases.

My favorite way to kill stuff is with impact though. It was pretty sweet to have two knights panthers team up to take out a bloodthirster. They guy seems kind of sad in the Knights get the drop on him.

The team I fielded that game was very high on impact damage so maybe results skewed to having more impact kills. This was my team:

Volkmar the Grim

Marienburg Swordsmen

Talabheim Greatswords

Knights Panther

Steam Tank

Luthor Huss

Marienburg Swordsmen x2

Knights Panther

Steam Tank

Command Cards

Myrmidia's Blessing




That is quite a bit of impact, and not a bad list at all. I agree, knights panther are the ultimate anti-bloodthirster--especially considering the fact that their resistance allows them to survive the counter while pinning. Definitely one of the scarier units in the game to face (unless Teclis is hanging around with some Maiden Guard).