Executor Damage

By AdOzzel, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

This must have been asked here before so I apologize for any duplicated content:

I still have questions about how to damage Executor.

Here is the text:

While this unit is undamaged, it cannot be targeted by enemy card effects.
Reaction: After a card is sacrificed, deal 1 damage to a target enemy unit or objective.

1. What constitutes "card effects" Can Han damage the Executor with his Unit Damage Icon but not his text?

2. Does "sacrifice" mean when a unit leaves play, or when the card text specifically reads "sacrifice"?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I apologize for posting this in the wrong section...

I apologize for posting this in the wrong section...

Don't worry about it, happens all the time. I answered over in the rules forum, but if anything is still unclear feel free to ask more questions. Happy gaming!