Help with Strange Eons Expansion Icon

By Uvatha, in Talisman Home Brews

Hi everyone in Talisman land.

Working through my first stand alone small talisman expansion but I hit a snag? How the %^$%# do you make your own Expansion Icon in Strange Eons I read a forum here about it ages ago (and not wanting to open up old threads)

I read it but didn't understand a word :) .

Can someone give me step by step instructions or even help with making the Icon?


The Talisman plug-in for Strange Eons is on my large "to do" list, along with converting Talisman Island over to a WordPress format which is more news-friendly and a host of other things.

I am still in the planning stage of making a new plug-in for the latest version of Strange Eons, but I need more hours in the day...

That will make adding new icons a breeze, but for the moment, if you contact me directly via the site I will give you a hand sorting out the file you need.

Hello all,

So I'm new to this home brew thing but think I have some interesting things I could add. One challenge I'm experiencing is then Strange Eons software. I need to be clear, this thing is fantastic! The only criticism I would have is right now I'm stuck at version 2.x for the sake of the Talisman plugin. Now I'm not hear to press anyone into any more more work (believe me, my day job keeps me busy enough).

So in the meantime I have been able to replace some of the "templates" images with a custom one I've created so I can press ahead (no I'm not a programmer, but I am an IT guy).

So when time avails itself I have a feature request. Would it be possible to change the image and borders for both the front and back of a card? That way you could quickly and easily design any number of cards or extras.

What do you mean exactly? You mean like having a Dungeon card with a Treasure card back?

Hello and good evening.

I know that sometimes I can be somewhat scattered in my thoughts and speech so I’ll see if I can clarify. So sit back and I'll spin a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. That started at this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship!

Why oh, why are you Canadians so odd? It’s what we do :P

So I’ve noted over the years the changes in the Strange Eons software. Cards are added, different backs are added being able to add italics, bolding, symbols…brilliant all of it!

Here is where I think the modular nature of the software can be a greater strength again.

Two words Layered PNG. Now a picture says a thousand words, so let see if that is true.


If you make everything a component or a layered PNG file with defaults from the base game and expansions for Background Images, Foreground Images, Border Styles, ect it would be crazy easy to customize any card. In fact add the ability for users to replace the images with their own and you won’t have to create new content; the user community will add it for you. Or add in an ability to add an image and ‘submit’ it for inclusion into version 2, 3, 4 ect of the software.

In the example I’ve got here its an idea for an expansion I ‘m working on called Tactical cards. I’ll post it shortly for community review (or at least a teaser).

For the Front: I’ve used the Talisman Corners, and Border Style, customized the Background Images and Foreground Images; added a Banner with some Text

For the Back: I’ve used the Talisman Corners again and customized the Card Type .

A spoiler TACTICS...


Well, that's basically how the plug-in for Strange Eons works anyway, although it uses many more layers than just two. It's just a matter of adding things if they are necessary.

For card backs, there is no text used in Revised 4th Edition because of the various international editions. It's one less thing for them to translate and bother with.

As for you cards here, I believe you can actually make card fronts exactly like those. I added the option to remove the encounter number from 'most' card templates, and you can already alter card types etc.

Admittedly if I had access to more of the layers, I could make a huge amount of choices available, but we are lucky that FFG has shared this much.

To be honest, I was looking to upgrade the plug-in for use with SE3, but time has not been on my side. It is to have higher resolution templates, but possibly less options as I am not sure how many people actually use them. When I made the first iteration, I tried to make it as comprehensive as possible, but if people want to make top-notch cards, they should really be using some proprietary graphics software.

Anyway, I shall bear it in mind, but seeing as I do not gave access to all of the possible layers, things would be more or less limited to how things are now. Adding a second layer to the card back is a nice idea, so I will definitely look at that.


I here you. I wanted to be respectful of all the great work you've done and the time an effort you've put into this. I realize version 3 is the way to go and spending any time on 2.x is really taking a step backwards.

So you can see the images. Good. I'm at work and can't for some reason.

So you've been around a while (in Talisman time) what do you think of my first kick at the can (Tactics). The idea is Strength based characters can have special tactics, moves, maneuvers, feats, ect to compete with those pesky magic users.

Characters can have either TACTICS or SPELLS, but not both. Whenever it calls for a character to draw a spell card, as long as they have no spells and have a Strength higher than their craft they can draw TACTICS cards instead. I'm also attempting to make the TACTICS have a strange sense of humor or just adding a little fun.

I'm grabbing a copy of Adobe CS 6 from work but am finding that Visio 2013 works just as well for layered card design.

In any case. Thanks for the feedback and hopefully if things stay quiet I can complete the first of a few projects I have coming.

Just to let people know that the GIMP can also manage layers, and is a freebie.

I love GIMP :)

It's been awhile I had a war between GIMP and PNG and don't remember who won. I used to work on an editor someone made for RoboRally board creation. Ah just dug up the BGG thread here:

The editor was on a website I no longer have and lost the most of the files. :(

I am no artist, but love RoboRally so much I worked hard on the editor, and maxed out its limits, and came to the point I was about to make other plug-ins for different options.

I did all this before I became a regular on BGG and only posted it there so the RoboRally community could use what I had done.

It was when I wanted to start getting into other board games I became an active member on BGG as well as here, though I have been a Talisman fan longer than RoboRally. :)

I understand Jon's pains in how much work such things take. And can appreciate anyone who decided to take an already published editor and maximize it's potential. It's all lengthy work.

Now I'm sure this come up before but I might as well go for the full 'Captain Obvious' label.

Has anyone considered doing a Kick Starter campaign to build a card / board builder? I have to imagine, as Harbourmaster pointed out, there might be some legal or disclosure based questions. We all operate, build, even discuss these things within the good graces and of Fantasy Flight Games. It might not be in their best interests (as a company) to 'open source' an intellectual property.

That said, I think there is business case that could be made where opening up a system to community development (within reason). Advertising, a big expense for most companies, intellectual growth, adding variety and additional revenue streams. Apple has made their base kernel open source. The D20 system definitely contributed towards keeping 3.5 around; and even leg to a whole new system (Pathfinder) being developed.

Here is a thought. Its crazy and not well thought out but bear with me. Say your a home brewer of Talisman and really want; what I see so many threads on; professionally printed cards. What if the software produced an output file (with the graphics, text, rules ect.) that could be submitted to FFG? They could offer a 'pay for service' model for those users who want professional cards. Its really working well for ITunes and Google. If the company could be brought in cooperatively, anything submitted in that way would become the property of FFG. Why would I do that? Beyond getting the professional finish to the card (s) you could be credited you if they ever decided to produce it or use it in some way on mass? All of this would be in conversation with FFG games and I make no assumptions that they would even be interested, but in a digital world, how do you bridge the digital with the good old fashion physical and still make a profit.

I honestly don't know how large the Talisman community is, but I have to imagine within the various personalities within the community who are entrepreneurs, programmers and those who are way smarter than I am. Personally I'd support something like this but before I go further off the deep end, worth discussing, or kind of dead issue?

Edited by caeaston

I think you will come unstuck, as the IP is merely licensed by FFG. The owner is a Games Workshop, and they forbid anything like this according to their IP policy. Even having cards printed by a local printer is against that policy...

Oh...ok. Sorry.

Maybe I'm looking to build bridges where none are needed, That's encroaching on embarrassing; my bad. about that Jets! ;) (as he awkwardly attempts to change the subject).

No need to apologise at all!

It would be great if GW were more giving in this regard, but they are very guarded with their IP. I realise that they can seem a tad over zealous in this regard, but that's another story.

No need to apologise at all!

It would be great if GW were more giving in this regard, but they are very guarded with their IP. I realise that they can seem a tad over zealous in this regard, but that's another story.

Yeh don't say... :) .