Regiment Builder

By Jedhead, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I was wondering if anyone has come up with a regiment builder for Diskwars akin to X-Wing's squadron builders that you can find online. I have seen some talk about this on BoardGameGeek, but haven't seen anything come of it as of yet. Has anyone found/made anything useable?

P.S. Sorry if I gave anyone a heart attack when they saw the thread title and thought that maybe I had created such a tool myself.

*Edit: Can'rt sppel twoday

Edited by Jedhead

I often use the quest builder for descent 2 and the deck builder for Mage Wars which are both online, but both these games have been out longer and have more variations. Diskwars would benefit from the same at some point in the future more so after more expansions are released but at the moment it is quite simple even with two core sets.