Master of Arms distinction + Blast weapons

By Kshatriya, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

So, Master of Arms (ROB 93) allows an Astarte to treat any ranged weapon with the word "Astartes" in it as if it had one of two assigned special qualities. One of the quality options is Blast (2).

So, say you have this Distinction and are carrying a heavy bolter armed with metal storm rounds. Metal storm gives Bast (2). If the Battle-Brother applies his Master of Arms ability (and has the Blast 2 option with that) does the weapon now have Blast (4) or are the two Blast ratings non-cumulative (and thus Metal Storm might be a waste since the gun could already have Blast (2))?

It's unclear, isn't it? Another house ruling could be to handle it like Unnatural levels, so Blast(3).


It says quit clearly, in the Master of Arms-section (RoB p. 93) "...if the weapon already possesses the Special Quality applied by Master of Arms then no further effects are added."

So not really unclear at all.

With SoIP's example, I really must ask Kshatriya if you had a stroke today or something? It's even on the very same page. :P

Blast (2) Lascannon ftw... and those Metal Storm Rounds? You won't need them anymore... :rolleyes:

Accurate/Scatter Meltagun FTW.


It says quit clearly, in the Master of Arms-section (RoB p. 93) "...if the weapon already possesses the Special Quality applied by Master of Arms then no further effects are added."

Wow. Derp.

You won't need them anymore... :rolleyes:

Either that or pick other Qualities, really. Felling/Scatter come to mind.

Excellent catch SolP.

Personally, I always liked the idea of a Storm Bolter with Accurate...double sniping should kill most stuff.

I played with an accurate missile launcher one game. Every krak was like a lascannon.

Personally, I always liked the idea of a Storm Bolter with Accurate...double sniping should kill most stuff.

Yet another reason why the Storm quality is broken. :P

I played with an accurate missile launcher one game. Every krak was like a lascannon.

Only Basic weapons benefit from the extra damage.


Yet RaW have none basic weapons stat-ed with accurate. See guardian bolt pistol RoB and the Heavy sharp shooter rifle.

Stalker Boltgun. And the Ultra Pattern was changed to Basic in errata 1.1. ;)

Also Astartes Sniper Rifle.


Edited by ak-73

That still leaves the pistol.... :ph34r:

Stalker pistol described in FF (under Wolf Scout) has Accurate. But that just means it gets an addition +10 to hit when aiming.

I believe they added the bonus damage to Basic weapons to give them something comparable to the "can use in melee" option with pistols and the sheer existing power of heavies.