Deployment Zones with Reinforced Disks and Stacking

By Xanatopia, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hi all.

Finally got to sit down with a friend and finally play through a game (life keeps getting in the way). During the course of our game a few questions came up that I'm hoping some of the more experienced players can clarify. With that, here we go:

1) During our initial zone disk placement my opponent stacked his disks on top of each others so they were placed at the farthest forward location in each zone. Is this permitted? If so, why wouldn't you always do this in a two player game to insure maximum mobility?

2) Does each player put out all of his deployment zones (in reverse initiative order as described) at once or do they alternate (i.e. - I place one, then he places one, . . . .)?

2) During the process of reinforcing disks I'm unclear on the ongoing relationship with the zone's disk limits and special abilities. If you use Scout, ar e you still restricted to 2 two disks in that zone during reinforcement? In a like fashion, if you chose Ambush can you still reinforce at long distance? Some abilities seem like they would still make sense after the initial deployment phase (Ambush) while others do not (Scout).

4) When placing terrain components can they placed anywhere (accounting for the described limitations regarding game area edge and short distance between terrain elements)? If so, can I basically cover an opponent's deployment zone with Swamp? This would essentially shut that entire zone down since it would make the zone effectively useless given that it would take multiple turns/activations for a disk to move past it.

Thanks for any help provided in advance! :-)

-- Xanatopia

Edited by Xanatopia

2.1) Yes, according to the rules they are placed immediately after they are picked by the players so the player with lowest initiative picks first, places it, then the next player picks one, places it, and so on.

4) Yes you can. It's pretty low, but yes, you can. I personally house-rule that you can't place terrain in the deployment zones because I like it better that way.

For the other answers check the other, almost identical thread you probably posted accidentally

Edited by Timpro

I could have sworn there was a rule somewhere that said you could not place terrain within medium range of a deployment zone. Apparently not, only that it can't be within short range of another piece of terrain.

I find placing terrain in deployment zones to mostly be a waste of the terrain. Yes, you can pin your opponents army back for a turn or two, but generally what happens is that the two of you spend the first turn and a half getting around said terrain and then it plays no part in the game after that.

Is it frustrating to have a swamp in your deployment zone? Yes, does it really give your opponent an advantage? Usually no. Unless you let it make you irrationally angry at them. ;)

I would rather have terrain out in the middle of the board where it might mean something. Or, conversely, if I'm playing a shooty army, I might place that swamp in my deployment zone all by myself, to slow my opponent down and keep them from getting to my archers too quickly. Ok, Maybe not right in my deployment zone, but pretty darn close.

I could have sworn there was a rule somewhere that said you could not place terrain within medium range of a deployment zone. Apparently not, only that it can't be within short range of another piece of terrain.

It actually specifically talks about terrain in deployment zones in the FAQ