Weapons Changes

By kobrain, in Dark Heresy

I've seen a few threads about the weakness/unbalance of various weapons. these include variable setting on las weapons, the subsequent weakening of the bolter, which then getting tweaked made the plasma weaponry weaker again. (These are simply opinions I've seen on other threads)

From this, I would propose:

Keep variable las settings from Only War

For bolters, give felling(x), (please correct me if I've used the wrong word, but my intent is the same) which ignores toughness up to the number x

For plasma weapons, reduce unnatural toughness by one, (and if it has only normal toughness, then it ignores all toughness too)

Las weapons,and other unspecified energy weapons, half toughness, rounding up.

Sp weapons should receive +2 penetration

I envisioned these new changes to try and avoid changing the damage of weapons, which simply cause too much problems. I understand this makes everyone more squishy, but I'm hoping these changes will affect high toughness characters more.

The only problem I have with this is that high agility characters will benefit. However, it does make sense that if you don't get hit, you don't get hurt.

Feel free to point out the myriad of noob mistakes I've made, and how it does not conform to lore and the such. I admit I'm fairly undereducated in the lore, but I'm simply looking from a mechanical point of view.

Edited by kobrain