Epic dice stories.

By doomande, in Dark Heresy

We have all had one experience with our dices that we simply couldn´t believe with our own eyes, both epic wins were we did the impossible, and epic fails were we ended up dead while trying to tie our shoelaces.

Let me start with an epic story of wild proportions, it being the tale about how the dices hate me when I as a GM have to roll for insanity.

See it for you, a gang of acolytes entering gun metal city, something moving inside of some houses and DAM there is an ambush... Just a really shortly lived one since the groups psyker casts Catch Projectile as his first reaction, using 3 dices to be sure and gets two of the dreaded 9's. 2 rolls on the table later and we have 7 gangers that are driven insane by fright, them having seen a demon if you asked them, it was at least what they yelled, them being spread between 3 small groups, getting 99, 110 and 140 as their final fear result. Never have I experienced a battle being over that soon... Ohh and all the players did of course make their save, because life isn´t fair.

My Assassin for my Solo game, her first in game kill. down in to an alley from on top of a three story building, she activates her Stummer and jumps, with her Agility, Acrobatics Climbing Kit & Clip Harness she doesn't need to roll for Falling Damage, with a DFA surprise attack I saw the guy go for his gun (he had Quick Draw so he would have bean able to shoot in the first regular round) I roll 22 on a called shot to his Gun Hand pining it to his leg and he drops his gun. First regular round I All Out attack and Called Shot the Head, I roll 24 and score 13 points of damage removing his head from his shoulders and sending it sailing to land on a near buy dust bin. I squat down and retrieve my knife then adjust the head (to look down on the body) and plaster a Kill marker on the forehead using his own blood. I leave by rolling a 3 for my acrobatics skill and Packor back up the side of the building and off in to the night.

I'd bean stealthing around running Recon on the targets regular haunts checking security and scoping out what cloths I'd need to blend, when I saw him stumble out half drunk from the bar I was staking out. I follow him hoping to be lead back to his secret lodgings when he separates from his companions to duck down an alley for a Pee. that's when I struck and he ended up headless with a hand on his Boy Bits and a stab wound in the other.

a week of game time and about four hours real time and a combo of good planing, Dumb Players Luck and Good Dice Luck reduced that to about 12 hours Game time and a Hour Real Time.

Once, we got ambushed by a bunch of gangers, mostly a random encounter to spice things up a bit in Gunmetal City. One of our players just had a new character, as his old one died the session before. He got hit by (theoretically) 4 Autogun-Hits and fails his dodge. Fate Point. Even worse Fail. He rolled up a new Character and burned the sheet as "Hell, that thing's cursed for sure!"

Rogue Trader, me GMing: Group fighting a campaign to defend a minor Forge World from a Chaos-Invasion. At some point, a large army of tanks rolled towards their main-bastion. Was still a few days out and Void-Master decided: "Eff it, let's strap one of the Atomics we have under a Thunderbolt and I'll give those Heretics a shiny present!" Of course, the Thunderbolt isn't exactly made to carry atomics, so he had some heavy penalties on his Pilot (Flier) Tests. He still somehow managed to scrap together enough to get away with a blackened Thunderbolt and had to be hospitalized for Leukemia for a few weeks, but that's a small price to pay in order to see some heretics vaporizing in glorious nuclear fire, no?

In our first Arbitrators game we where going through Edge of Darkness, any way we lost the Scum to the Constructs out on the street, but where able to take down some of the Mercs posing as cops and get in their uniforms, this allows us to get the drop on the Henchmen at the villains base where we pull out the "Mono" side stick action putting the henchmen down quick and quite. last room and the Boss Fight the two Arbitrators pull out the PA Shotguns, the Adept pulls her Pistol, despite bean given an Autogun (that she had the Talent for), we miss our awareness rolls and don't see the Pet, but the Adept sees it, we are cutting loose on the Boss max RoF with our Shotguns when there is an all mighty Ka-boom (the Pistol is a Hand Canon), just hits then gets a Rigitous Fury doing 50+ points of damage and FUBARing the thing, dispute our many 0's we scored not a one, but we'ed done enough damage to disable her on round one and kill her dead dead at the end of round two.

Tiny Girl + BFG + Favor of the Dice Gods = don't mess with her!

To be honest the best dice luck I saw was an old old shadowrun game, the player took the old Street Mage who had just a holdout pistol, game goes forward the and somehow the Street Mage is looking at a Merc Troll, he already fatigued so he pulls the pistol more to as he put it distract the Troll with the BIG FING GUN, who getting ready to hose the crew.

We were playing with the rule of 6, u could keep rolling as long as u had 6 showing and could make success. Had Guns with 2 dice in it. Mage ended up with ungodly amount of success. Even still the GM like, I have 13 dice to resist damage.. No Problem. Drops them in the center of the table, Every See 13 d6 all roll 1!!! GM face was priceless

Troll drops like a Stone, all the pro gunners, assume he been playing the fool and assume he skilled Gunslinger, I know we handed him a better pistol. He lived on the rep of that 1 shot, hell even other gang banger who heard the story didn't push him, scated he was a master gunslinger, and the PC never improved his gun skills.

Dice Gods give and take,

During a game of Inquisitor I saw a player try to make a heroic dive through a window to shoot someone who was about to kill another player. When he fired his bolt pistol he missed, and the shot transferred to the guy he was trying to save and hit him in the groin for 4 levels (the maximum the location can take) of damage.

The worst one was probably during a WHFRP 2.0 game during a large scale combat. The Wizard miscasts a spell and rolls on the curse of tzeentch table. He roll high enough that he goes from minor miscast to major miscast. He rolls again and gets a result that says "roll again and apply the result to everyone within 1d10 metres", he manages to roll a 10, which will cover the whole combat.

He rolls again and for a result of "Intestinal Rebellion' which means that every one in ten metres can take no actions for 1d5 rounds while they loudly and painfully void their bowels.

We decided no body wanted to continue fighting after that, and everyone just awkwardly left while trying to avoid eye contact and never speaking of this incident again.

Edited by Cail

You must all know those moments when either you, a fellow player or the GM rolls a lovely 99 and **** just hits the fan. I do at least.

Weirdly enough is it almost always when my players want to roll knowledge skills or awareness to pint point clue about the baddies that they roll it, and yesterday was no exception. Had my players meet up with a "noble" that was running a big arena, them needing a favour. They see the nobles lovely xeno fur cape that she are wearing, and my feral assasin player does then roll as to specify what animal it came from. And thus after some face palming, some joking back and forth between the group and some fast thinking are my group now certain that her snow direwolf cape is from one of the utmost rare albino furry land whales that they have heard a legend about... Best thing about this is that one of my players have fallen in love with the cape, so they ended up using about half an hour trying to find a way out into the dessert, but did sadly not have enough thrones between them for just a single ticket. Ohh the fun that critical faliuers are

Campaign, cultists attempting to summon a daemon, and the big boss was a high level psyker. We had help from the gm in the form of an NPC psyker of stupidly high power. The enemy Psyker was about the same level. It was sort of the GMs chance to jerk himself off with a cool narrative bit between the Psykers while we took care of a hell of a lot of goons. Now were were about rank 3 and a bit, and the Psykers would probably classify as rank 8 or even ascension. Our Adept decided to take a shot at the Psyker with his hot shot las pistol during out surprise round. And rolled a 04 to hit. And then a 10 on damage. And another... and a third. He one shot the near god like Psyker with a las pistol, blowing his leg clear off and painting the ground with gore. It was the single greatest moment of my gaming time to see the look of horror and disappointment on the GM's face at that.

During my second DH group my group was after a heretical Tech-Priest. During their first encounter they ruined his official standing and drove him out of his office ... literally.

He got some distance between himself and them (Maglev Transscend) when the Assassin opened fire with his Assault rifle scoring 7 (!) hits. So he rolled 7 times for damage and i seven time 2d10 for his force field (old rules before Ascension) one after another openly. Not one bulled got through, every time he rolled high so did i.

During their second encounter the Assassin tried his luck again. Not so many hits though, but he rolled Fury and got a whoppin' 42 Damage. What do i get? 2 10s that keep him alive ... until they throw a whole belt of frags to his feet.

6 frags netting 12 D10s ... messy but finally over.