Handy all-ships-in-one maneuver reference card. Ready for print!

By Malmer, in X-Wing

Shame these are discontinued.

“That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die”

You may find the dials on several squadron building apps on your phone (I strongly recommand Startactics). That's what I use, but yeah, I'd like to see those reference cards come back !

I know they are available in various places individually. I even have all the paper copies from the actual ships. But these were really nice because it was all together in a compact form that I could print and take with me. Just hoping there is something similar somewhere that I could print out.

So, are these illegal now?

Nope. They only reproduce material that's included in the rules included with each ship. FFG Organised Play have been specifically asked about the status of maneuver dial reference guides and confirmed they're OK.

Wait what? Can you produce the source of the legality for future tournament use?

So, are these illegal now?

Nope. They only reproduce material that's included in the rules included with each ship. FFG Organised Play have been specifically asked about the status of maneuver dial reference guides and confirmed they're OK.

Wait what? Can you produce the source of the legality for future tournament use?

I believe I recall seeing a post on facebook (may have been Nova Squadron) confirming that as long as it was information from FFG produced items (inserts with ships, rulebooks, FAQ, website, etc.), it was fine. Anything that compiles that information is okay. My understanding is they are trying to get rid of other things, like strategy guides or ship movement guides etc. Tied up today, but can try to look when I have some time for the post.

So, are these illegal now?

Nope. They only reproduce material that's included in the rules included with each ship. FFG Organised Play have been specifically asked about the status of maneuver dial reference guides and confirmed they're OK.

Wait what? Can you produce the source of the legality for future tournament use?

IIRC it was a post on Nova Squadron's facebook about it from one of the FFG OP, he said since the information is in official documentation (sheet that comes with ships) and its just an easier to use version of that, he didn't see any problem with these maneuver cards.

I believe the ruling was to cut down on people taking notes (slowing games down), referencing strategy notes (slowing games down), and dice probability sheets (slowing games down). These reference cards provide information that's publicly available anyway. We love them, please update!

Edited by jonnyd

Found one pretty quick. Think there was another one, but his is a link to one of the facebook discussions (hopefully you have access to the group). Someone apparently texted FFG about them after the FAQ and the response was: "They are legal. They contain only information found within rule documents (the dial maneuvers) and on (non-hidden)game components (ship hull, shield/etc. values).


Edit: Found the second post:


Edited by judgeender

Thanks guys. I've joined the group, which is now pending. If it looks valid enough that I won't be wasting my time continuing my work, I will be updating them for sure.

Glad to hear that. It took a couple days when I applied. And with the Nova Open this last weekend, it may take that long before the admins catch up and accept you.

I appreciate these are discontinued but the link is now broken as well - can anyone share these for my son & I to use at home?

Thanks guys. I've joined the group, which is now pending. If it looks valid enough that I won't be wasting my time continuing my work, I will be updating them for sure.

Someone there has even linked to yours and in the debate about them there is the message from FFG saying they are legal :-)

Have you taken the links down in the meantime as it wont let me connect to them?

The links work fine here.

Malmer- FFG rules that maneuver references are fine. Please come back!

I hope someone picks up the task of updating these cards for future expansions. I may try designing a reference myself. I really liked these and I came here today to download the updated (wave 9) cards... kinda bummed.

Malmer come back!

Any X-wing fools can see

FFG was wrong

And we don't wanna play without these!



Since FFG found it relevant to make (at least community made) maneuver referencing illegal, I have no reason to further update these.

Thanks for all your work. We love these. And just so you know many of us, including me, use them all the time in casual play.

Long live casual play and Epic.

Loved your work.

Yes...please come back!!!

Its my understanding you can no longer use a reference sheet like this in tournament play yes?

You can still use it for study or a quick reference for squad building

My understanding is that maneuver reference sheets/cards that simply compile information from FFG items, rules, documents, publications, website, etc. are fine and still allowed. The rules bar any information that isn't included in the ship packs, rules, documents and other things published by FFG. So strategy guides, ship placement guides etc. would not be allowed because this is not information from FFG, but these are since this is nothing more than information published by FFG.

My understanding is that maneuver reference sheets/cards that simply compile information from FFG items, rules, documents, publications, website, etc. are fine and still allowed. The rules bar any information that isn't included in the ship packs, rules, documents and other things published by FFG. So strategy guides, ship placement guides etc. would not be allowed because this is not information from FFG, but these are since this is nothing more than information published by FFG.

That was my impression as well, when ask FFG stated that everything which part of FFG material is still fine, which includes a dials reference as that is just the FFG printouts summarized. Printed out openings would be illegal as FFG never included material like that.

Really odd. I was really sure that you can still use these here in tournament play, you can bring your own reference sheets from the FFG packages as well after all, literally the same information.

Its my understanding you can no longer use a reference sheet like this in tournament play yes?

You can still use them.

They have been used at the tournaments I have been to, no one has a problem with them

Official ruling as used at GenCon: as long as the sheets only contain information from game components and rule books/inserts/faq, they are legal. If they contain other information (like a series of opening maneuvers, or dice odds) they are not.

On these, the Aurebesh title is iffy, not that it is really necessary, but it's not from a FFG source, and some pedantic PITA could argue it. The maneuver guides themselves are totally legal.

any way to still grab these? Links I clicked are all dead.