Handy all-ships-in-one maneuver reference card. Ready for print!

By Malmer, in X-Wing

Hi, thanks for the great looking reference cards! c

orrect me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Juno gimmick allow the TIE Adv to do white '4' banks and turns?

Any chance this might be updated for the new Force Awakens core set ships? Thanks again!

I love these ref cards! I just printed up a set and backed em with my extra rule-cards & sleeved em- And now I just added the T-70 and TIE/FO to my fleet... I'm wondering how you're gonna to fit Wave8+Assualt Carrier+ new TFA ships coming.

Hi, thanks for the great looking reference cards! correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Juno gimmick allow the TIE Adv to do white '4' banks and turns?


Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but what's up with the little triangle symbols overlaid on the TIE Advanced's dial squares?

Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but what's up with the little triangle symbols overlaid on the TIE Advanced's dial squares?

The Triangles are Juno Eclipse's available moves due to her pilot ability.

Thank you for the clarification on Juno!

The cards are updated to include the new core set. Cheers!

I have a request, on the versions without a backgroup could you add a line border around the card edge? It would make it easier to cut out to the exact size especially when Using LETTER instead of A4.

There's already crop marks. Use an exacto knife and a ruler to cut from those.

Any chance for a version with the Assault Carrier?

I'm not sure if this has been asked, but is there a more ink-friendly version of these? I just love them, but I don't really need as much of the awesome as you have designed them for. I'm more of a nuts and bolts print guy.

Thanks in advance for any help...

Any chancce of an update qith Wave 8 as soon as the JumpMaster5000 is spoiled? =)

Does anyone else get a 404 error with Dropbox? I can only access the first version, and really don't want to have to recreate the wheel since these are so absolutely cool!


9 cards on a sheet, ready for print, can be downloaded here:
(PDF is A4, double-sided, 300dpi, CMYK, no color profile included)

I love this design but prefer the option like above. The link doesn't work anymore and the link in the first post has more cards on 1 paper. It would be easier if someone could repost this link than for me to change the complete design.

Can't wait to use these just received my first X-Wing sets yesterday.

With Wave 8 about to release - are there plans to update this for wave 8?

Wave 8 is now up.

Thanks for these reference cards, really appreciate it!

what do the triangle shapes on the Tie Advanced card represent?

Hi there,

I have tried printing these cards out, but cannot for the life of me, get them to look like what the pictures of the print out looks like.

When I tried to print them, so I could put them in a pilot pocket, they seemed so very small, that I could not read them.

Please tell me how to enlarge them, so i can print them off so I can use them.

many thx


So, are these illegal now?

the force is strong with this one ..... thank you

So, are these illegal now?

So, are these illegal now?

Either way, they are fantastic in casual play.

Never leave home without them.

We miss you

Shame these are discontinued. They were great to use during matches.

Anyone have another good option for something similar. Looking for something that may have Wave 9 dials since those should be officially released soon.

You may find the dials on several squadron building apps on your phone (I strongly recommand Startactics). That's what I use, but yeah, I'd like to see those reference cards come back !

Edited by Giledhil