Latest update, December 13, 2017: Wave 13
The gaming area gets cluttered easily, and the solutions I've seen for referencing ship maneuvers, are less than optimal.
I've made these double-sided reference cards instead, for your printing leisure. It's the same size as the ship cards, so they will fit right in with your stash.
Each faction card is double sided, with small base ships on one side, and large base ships on the other.
Note: This has also led me to try and minimize the scale of this project and time I spend on it. The speed versions and epic cards are therefore discontinued.
I now make these cards just for myself, and I find the Micro Design of the stats more useful than the speed information that is inherently present in the grid.
But I'll still be sharing them, if people will find them useful as they are.
PDF's are double-sided, 600dpi, CMYK.
A4 sheet, ready for print:
Background-free version is available here .
Single cards, vetcorized (scalable):
Background-free version is available here .
People are free to share them on whatever blog, channel or community they're running or frequenting. Enjoy
Edited by Malmer