So...Ancestors' Rage. A 500-XP power that increases WS by +5 per PR (pretty sweet) but a number of Exotic Melee Proficiency equal to PR?
What's the point of the latter?
For starters, any weapon with the "Astartes" name, you're automatically proficient in. That's...gonna be most things that would otherwise be Exotic. And the power is melee weapons only.
So...barring granting use of a xenos weapon (which is, uh, heretical as all get-out at a baseline), what good is the second part of this power? There are niche situations where a xenos weapon is all you are gonna have access to (very niche imo) and you're probably going to take Insanity just for using them (again imo, because they're HERESY). +5 WS per PR is already awesome, and the power is cheap as hell...
Anyone had an in-game scenario where that EWP was actually useful? What'd your player use it for?