
By MDMann, in Rogue Trader

Is there any news on playtesting for RT yet (alpha, beta or whatever)? If not, I'd be happy to volunteer our services, plenty of (constructive) feedback and we'dd expect to sign Non Disclosure Agreements.

I'd be interested in playtesting also, along with members of my group currently playing DH. If any Admins out there could provide information please?



I cheerfully volunteer also. I've playtested before too. For NOVA Games (Lost Worlds and Ace of Aces) and Epic Armageddeon.

I am assumin gthat since we are "3" months from "publication" that play testing is already underway or done for the most part.

Doh, I just addressed that on a different post.

Peace, you've been rather disappointed with the Designer's you get the impression that quite a bit of the game hasn't even been written yet?