The Techmarine Ihs Servo Harness and Servo Harness Integration

By Spawn of the Emperor, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hello fellow Marines,

I have a question that is tickeling me sine some time:

The core Rule Book states that when using a Servo Harness, you can use the Multiple Arms Action or any correspondant action with your harness inseadt of your Arms.

The Talent Servo Harness Integration states:" allowing him to use its pincer-arms and Waepons arrays as if the were extra limbs of his body". (p125).

Does this not mean that you are effectively havein the multiple Arms trait?.

This talent is at 1000xp, for only one additional attack and is MANDATORY for the Servo Harness.

I have read in several articles here, that this is/should not be the case, but I ask myself why?

Servo Harness integration is the ONLY talent that is Mandatory to use one specific equipment.

How do you handle this in your groups?

Love to hear your comments.

This one is a bit tricky. The Techmarine does not get the Multiple Arms trait because it does not say so. He can use his arms as if he had the trait though, I think. Which means he doesn't get the Strength/Toughness bonuses. He can use the Multiple Attack action though and use the different Harness weapons if he wants to. Remember that no single harness weapon can be used twice per turn. Luckily, he has two servo-arms.


Multiple arms trait allows bonuses to climbing, swimming and an extra attack per round. A servo arm though is nowhere near going to be designed well enough to allow those bonuses, last I checked their common design is that pincerlike layout. It'll get you the extra attack in melee since yes, you can swing it around and crack someone with it but that is not going to give you the benefits of climbing or swimming, it's just not designed effectively enough to do it.

And one of the Multiple Attacks might be a single plasma cutter shot.


A techmarine with a servo harness can change out the arms he uses with the harness.

For instance he can put on a breaching auger or other tools or weapons.

The servo harness allows you to use the multiple arms trait with the servo harness, but only as long as it has more than 1 arm specifically designed for melee attacks. If the harness only has 1 melee arm it should probably count as a singular servo-arm. If the harness has 4 ranged weapons, you can't use the multiple arms talant.

If the techmarine removes the harness, or his servo arms get blown off somehow, he no longer has the multiple arms option since he doesn't have the talent himself.

Thanks for the different replies, they are very helpful.

I think, I will roll with this:

No strength & Toughness bonus.

No bonus for swimming

Bonus for climbing only if he has at least 2 Servo Arms.

Additional attack as stated in the Trait Multiple Arms.

I think that makes a nice compromise.

What do you mean "no Strength and Toughness bonus?" The servo-arms already have a set statblock of damage that includes their own Strength score and Unnatural Strength, iirc.

I don't consider a servo-arm a "cybernetic" sufficient to give a Toughness bonus because the servo-stuff is affixed to the armor, not the character's flesh.

The Multiple Arms trait gives bonuses to S and T, that's what we were talking about here. We're saying this does not apply, the rest of the trait does.

Also, I don't think RAW disallows using Multiple Attacks action with Servo-Harness mounted Pistol weapons. It explicitly says that the Techmarine can use any weapon on his harness. Subject to all normal limitations for weapon class (ie, only one Standard attack with the plasma cutter per turn). Interestingly, it does not state that the Reaction attack is under the same one attack per turn only limit as it does under Servo-Arm. I think RAI is that you cannot make a Standard attack with the plasma cutter and fire it again with Reaction in the same turn.
