First deck, silhouette, feedback appreciated

By TubeAlloy, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

So my basic idea is to take silhoutte's ability and use it to control corp. I'm not there yet but I'm wondering if there's a solid foundation or if it's all wrong

Deck Created with Android: Netrunner Deck Builder
Silhouette: Stealth Operative (Honor and Profit)
Total Cards: (40)
Event (10)
Leverage (True Colors #64) x2
Legwork (Honor and Profit #35) x3
Demolition Run (Core #3) x2 ■■
Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control #52) x3
Hardware (7)
HQ Interface (Humanity's Shadow #85) x2
Blackguard (Fear and Loathing #85) x3
Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount #28) x2
Program (17)
Sneakdoor Beta (Core #28) x2
Pheromones (Humanity's Shadow #86) x2
Nerve Agent (Cyber Exodus #41) x2 ■■
Peacock (What Lies Ahead #6) x3
Femme Fatale (Core #26) x3
Aurora (Core #25) x3
Magnum Opus (Core #44) x2 ■■
Resource (6)
Security Testing (Honor and Profit #48) x2
Daily Casts (Creation and Control #53) x3
Aesop's Pawnshop (Core #47) x1 ■■
Influence Values Totals -
Anarch: 8
Criminal: 48
Shaper: 6