Wizard traits questions

By darlen, in WFRP Rules Questions


I got a rules question regarding the traits for the wizard career. It got "dedicated" trait whereas all the other careers in the wizard career line all got "wizard" as one of the traits, Both the 2 careers before wizard (Apprentice wizard and acolyte) and the ones after (Wizard lord). Where is the logic in that? :) It feels like a waste of 2 xp without any reason.

If you compare it to the priest line the priest career got the "priest" trait, just like the others in the line.

Is it an error or how do you fellow gamers see it?

It is a bit odd, perhaps a printing difference between the cards and the Players guide?

Even still, the question is pretty much moot as they all have the Academic and Arcane trait. that gives you a base transition cost of 2, -1 another one for completion and then an additional -1 for Reiklanders still gives you a transition cost of 0. Even if you allow non human wizards, they would still be paying 1 anyway, so meh again.

Might be an error, or the game designers felt that it should be hard becoming a fully fledged wizard. I did a quick check and unless I'm mistaken the dedicated trait doesn't appear on any other career anywhere. So as a GM I'd probably change it to the Wizard trait. Having a trait that doesn't appear anywhere else just seems like an error.

If it's not changed though it only has a minor impact.

As Carcosa said; if you completed the acolyte career and dedicated it you're still only going to pay 0/1 XP to transision into Wizard. Since completion of acolyte is required to change into Wizard (see the Special on the back of the Wizard career card) it doesn't matter there.

But if you want to become a Battle wizard after the Wizard career it does matter a bit. It will cost 1 XP more as they have Arcane, Combat, Elite, Wizard (only one match with Wizard). Then you'll have to pay 1/2 XP depending on if you're a reiklander or not. So if you want all the wizard careers it would be better to move into Wizard Lord from Wizard and after Lord into Battle Wizard, then you wouldn't have to pay the extra XP.

Thanks for the replies, I actually totally forgot about the dedication bonus that reduces the cost of transitions when I wrote this. :)

Good eye though. :)