Strange Eons image layer mask?

By Nemecci, in Fan Creations


Not an AH question at all but since you have worked quite extensively with Strange Eons, this could stand a chance to get answered here.

thedearth2 has made excellent card templates for Edge of the Empire RPG (on RPG side of these forums) PSD files (if someone should need them)

How would I make image layer mask for card's portrait image with Strange Eons? Is StencilFilter what I am looking for? Could someone copy paste an example how to handle image masks with Strange Eons?

If I understand your question, you don't need to do anything complicated. When drawing the component, first draw the portrait. Then draw the template image overtop. The template image should have a transparent hole cut out of it in the area where you want the portrait to appear. So the portrait will show through where the hole appears. In most cases, that's all you need to do.

In the Plug-in Authoring Kit, check the DIY Examples/Three or More Faces. Specifically, the example in script resources/example/3-face-diy.js.

