first attempt to build a deck

By player1994465, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

this is my first attempt to build a deck. Here goes,



Mr.Li x2

Compromised Employee x3

Kati Jones x3

Underworld Contact x3

Same old thing x3

the helpful AI x1


Corrder x2

Zu.KeyMaster x2

DataSucker x2

Ninja x2


Dyon Mem Chip x3

Desperado x2

Cyberfeeder x3

Silencer x3


Hostages x3

Special Order x2

Sure Gamble x3

Inside Job x3

This is my deck please let me know if i have to change something out. Thank You

Edited by sora23

Maybe loose the Dyson memory chips, you only have 4 different programs. I used to use them but soon realized they was getting in the way.

Edited by jeffmcormick